Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Their spines tingled with fear as the voice echoed behind them, making the hairs of the back of their necks stand tall. The group of teens spun around, only to be greeted by darkness until they saw black silhouettes step into the eerie glow of the orbs, giving them all an otherworldly glow.

There was no mistaking the fact that the group of students were very much outnumbered, surrounded by fifteen or more, heavily cloaked Death Eaters.

The teens took a step closer to each other so they all stood back to back and they each had a Death Eater in view so none could make a movement without someone seeing.

Robyn grabbed Harry's hand and squeezed it tight. She wished that her father had decided to stay late tonight so that he would be here. Fear clutched on to the teens but they wore it well and kept their heads held high.

"Where's Sirius!" Harry said. It wasn't a question, it was a demand.

Lucius Malfoy sneered at Harry tauntingly. He knew he had the upper hand. "The Dark Lord always knows. Give me the prophecy, Potter."

Harry didn't back down but held the prophecy tighter in his hand as he glared hard at the Death Eaters. "I want to know where Sirius is!"

One of the Death Eaters stepped forward. They were smirking mockingly. They had unruly curly and matted hair, skin that was sickly pale and clung to their high cheekbones and dark, heavy eyelids. Harry instantly recognised them from the Daily Prophet. It was Bellatrix Lestrange.

She jaunted towards Harry. "Ah, the baby wants his godfather." She jeered in a baby voice.

Harry ignored the comment and muttered under his breath to the others, his voice a mere whisper so the Death Eaters wouldn't hear. "Don't do anything until I say . . ."

Robyn was scared and she could feel it twisting around in her stomach. The thought that most of the Death Eaters standing in front of them were the Death Eaters at the grave yard last year ran around her mind and her fear squirmed, increasing in size.

"How cute, baby Potter's giving instructions to the other children." Bellatrix continued to taunt.

Lucius smirked towards Bellatrix. "Potter has a great weakness for heroics, Bellatrix." He turned back to Harry. "Now give me that prophecy in your hand and we'll allow you to live."

Harry's hand tightened around Robyn's hand and his wand. Impatience was growing fast in him. "Give me Sirius!"

"Foolish boy!" Lucius snapped, laughing bitterly. "Learn the difference between dreams and reality. The Dark Lord knew you were foolish enough to come charging here with your little gang of rugrats."

Harry wasn't shocked by this news. He had expected it but that didn't stop the wave of sadness and fear crashing over him. He had yet again put the people he loved in danger because of his mistakes. "He's not here."

Lucius smiled wickedly. "No, but you are. Now give me the prophecy. No one needs to die tonight, Potter. Just hand it over and you and your friends can walk away."

Harry's anger bubbled over and his protective nature took him over. "Liar!"

"Enough of this! Accio Pro-" Bellatrix bellowed.

"Protego!" Harry interjected at the same time so Bellatrix stumbled back a few steps, taken by surprise. She looked at Harry with wicked amusement. "He know how to play, itty bitty baby Potter." She laughed while pointing her wand at him.

Lucius put his arm out to stop the mad women. "No, you fool! You could smash it!"

Bellatrix rolled her heavy lidded eyes. "We need more persuasion then. Kill the little girl!" She exclaimed with I'll-kept excitement as she pointed at Robyn.

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