Chapter Thirty-Seven

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The plan was in full swing. Harry whipped off his Invisibility cloak as he entered Umbridge's office.

Ginny and Neville were keeping guard to make sure the corridor stayed clear and Ron was somewhere trying to distract Umbridge.

Robyn and Hermione stayed with Harry and watched the door as Harry rushed towards to fireplace.

"Hurry, we won't have much time!" Hermione fretted, her voice anxious.

Harry grabbed the Floo Powder, not paying much attention and spilling some on the floor, threw it into the fireplace and yelled; "12 Grimmauld Place!"

Instantly bright emerald flames ignited in the fireplace, crackling loudly. Harry placed his head in the fire and felt the odd sensation of the flames tickling his face again but the flames were cold rather than warm.

Harry felt his head spinning and could still feel his body back in Umbridge's office whereas his head appeared in the fire place at the Order's headquarters.

As soon as Harry's head appeared in the fireplace, Kreacher stopped in his tracks. Harry didn't question what Kreacher was doing and didn't bother to think about if he was stealing more things, he just wanted to get straight to the point to save Sirius.

"Kreacher, where's Sirius?"

Kreacher bowed his head slightly, his face full of disgust and Harry could see he was mumbling things under his breath.

Harry rolled his eyes, his patience wearing thin. "Answer me!" Harry demanded and then instantly felt guilty. "Please."

"Master has gone out, Harry Potter." Kreacher said, looking happy that his owner wasn't around.

Panic flared up in Harry like wildfire. "Kreacher, where?!"

Kreacher looked at Harry, looking almost happy to see him in distress. "Master does not tell poor Kreacher where he goes."

"But you know, don't you?!" Harry said, his voice laced with desperation.

Kreacher was almost grinning now. "Master will not return. Kreacher and Mistress are alone at last."

Harry felt his blood run cold as horror over took his features but suddenly Harry felt a hand grab him and he was soon whirling back to Professor Umbridge's office, fear gripping on to him as he went...


Harry coughed as dust and soot filled his lungs. His head was spinning but he felt himself back in Umbridge's office.

Her hand was still digging into his shoulder and Harry was sure it would leave a harsh purple bruise in its wake.

"I've got you now, Potter." Umbridge hissed, her girly high pitched voice full of ill-kept excitement.

Harry looked over and saw Crabbe holding Ron in a headlock, Pansy Parkinson was fighting a wresting Hermione. Ginny was being held captive by Blaise and Draco was holding tightly on to Robyn. Harry watched as she bit the inside of her cheek indicating she was in pain. Harry felt his blood boil but deep down he knew he had to keep his cool and stay calm.

Suddenly Neville was pushed in by Goyle.

"Got 'im, Headmistress." Goyle said as he clumsily pushed Neville to the side of the room.

"Excellent." Umbridge grinned. "Who were you contacting?"

Harry heard Robyn moan in pain. "No one!" He said far too quickly and desperately.

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