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"So you're saying you were put under the Imperius Curse last night?" Ron asked, looking fearful.

The group of friends were all sat in the Hospital Wing. They had all crowded around and sat around Ron's bed who had obtained the most serious injuries. Everyone else was recovering nicely, it was only the scars of what happened that remained now.

Robyn nodded, looking worried herself. "Yes. And last year too."

"B-But Dumbledore's figuring it out, isn't he?" Neville stuttered, looking terrified for his friend.

"He's trying but it's hard. Both times lead to a dead end. We have no leads on who it could be. No evidence. Nothing." Robyn sighed, defeated.

"Well, couldn't Dumbledore just look at your memories to find out who had cast the curse?" Ginny asked.

Robyn shook her head, smiling lightly. "If only it were that simple. Plus if I had saw the person who had done it, they would've been in Azkaban long ago."

"Maybe they modified your memory? Only allowing you to remember certain parts." Noah suggested.

Hermione sent him a sharp look. The group were still wary about him, some still disliking and hating him, but they all couldn't deny that he had helped them fight last night and so they kept all remarks to themselves. "If that was the case, then why didn't they modify her memories completely so that Robyn couldn't remember being put under the Imperius Curse?" Hermione said.

Noah shrugged. "It was just a guess."

Luna nodded. "A good one too." She smiled at him, her voice light and airy.

"I just can't wait till we catch the idiot that tried to hurt you on multiple occasions." Ginny muttered, cracking her knuckles.

Robyn smiled and shook her head at the red head.

For the first time, Harry spoke up. "What if they weren't trying to hurt you?"

Robyn turned to her boyfriend, slightly confused, but debated the possibility. "It's possible."

Harry held up his hand. "Hear me out. On both occasions Voldemort was involved-" Nearly everyone flinched at hearing his name, but Harry was too preoccupied to notice. "The first time, they just wanted you in that maze. If they wanted you to attack me, you would have done, but you didn't. If they wanted you hurt then surely they would have kept you under the curse to make sure you got hurt, but they didn't."

Robyn shook her head. "Yeah but last night I hurt some of you."

"Yes but you mentioned only feeling the need to get the Prophecy, and Ginny was in the way of you getting it, so you attacked. The same with Professor Lupin-"

Everyone was listening, none of them wore skeptical looks yet. "What are you getting at, Harry?"

"Information. Who ever put you under the curse wanted that Prophecy to get information. Who ever put you under that curse works for Voldemort." Harry explained, watching Robyn with a worried look.

Robyn felt her stomach dropped. But then a spark lit up in her eyes. Information. Who had come up to her earlier in the year claiming they knew who had done it...Malfoy.

Robyn jumped to her feet. She wasn't going to tell the others about Malfoy just yet as it could all just be talk. "I'll see you guys later." Robyn barely waved her hand before running out of the Hospital Wing.

Fortunately, Malfoy wasn't too hard to find. Robyn just waited down by the Slytherin Common Room and she soon saw his tall, looming figure approaching.

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