Chapter Forty

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A sigh of relief washed over the teens as they saw the Order members. They had never been so relieved in all their lives...

Sirius raised his wand and Lucius was sent flying back and skidding across the floor on his back.

In the blink of an eye, spells were hurdling through the air at alarming speeds and shouts of all sorts could be heard. The battle had begun. Death Eaters versus The Order of the Pheonix.

Robyn groaned, her vision was still blurry from her tears. Her throat hurt from her screaming and her body protested against her brain who of which was telling her to get up and fight.

She didn't have to push herself up though as Harry was quickly by her side and gently pulling her too her feet, concern etched his face. "Are you alright?"

Robyn nodded her head. "I'm fine."

After noticing Harry's unconvinced look, she grabbed the sides of his face and forced him to look her in the eyes. "I'm alright." She said more forcefully though her face held a gentle smile.

Harry nodded and their attention turned back to the battle. The two rushed over to Ron and Hermione, who were still on the ground. One of the Death Eaters caught sight of Harry and charged.

Harry looked up just in time to see the Death Eater poise his wand.

But a jet of blue hit the Death Eater in the side, knocking him away. Harry turned his head and saw Tonks, her wand still raised and her hair still as eccentric as ever. Harry gave her a thumbs up and grinned then crouched down to see how Hermione and Ron were doing.

Harry and Robyn didn't get far into their inspection on their best friends though as Lupin came running up admist all the jinxs and curses and crouched down next to them all.

"Take them back up the stairs and stay there!" Lupin ordered over the noise and Harry, who knew he had caused enough trouble for one night, agreed and signalled Luna, Neville, Noah and Ginny over. Harry and Ginny helped eachother pick Hermione up as Neville crawled over.

They all made their way for the stairs, sticking together, their hearts all beating the same fast beat as the fear and adrenaline continued to course through their veins.

Just as they reached the bottom step, Ginny flew back as if being pulled by an invisible rope. She stopped at Lucius' feet. Blood trickled down his forehead, but he aimed his wand at the red-headed Weasley girl. Harry narrowed his eyes in anger and his heart leapt with guilt. This was all his fault...

He placed Hermione in Ron's arms and left the others.

He ran forward, raising his wand as he did so, his face and voice fierce. "Expelliarmus!"

Lucius' wand wriggled in his grip but Malfoy didn't break his grip, causing him to stumble forward from the sheer force of the spell.

Lucius' lips curled into a cold sneer and quickly regained his composure, raising his wand too.

They both shot curses at each other and their spells collided in mid air. A brilliant light exploded between them and the force of it all knocked the both of them back.

At the flash of light, Sirius saw Harry was in trouble and tried to rush towards his godson but Bellatrix stepped into view and blocked his way with a sinister smirk. Sirius' eyes immediately turned icy cold.

"Dear cousin, how wonderful to see you again." Bellatrix looked even more crazier than she did before. It seemed the fight had ignited a mad spark in her normally dull eyes and her sallow face didn't suit the crazed and disgusted look that she was throwing at Sirius.

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