Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Harry burst into the public toilet in the hospital and rushed to the sink to wash his face. Everything was all too much. It was all too confusing for him. Harry felt his heart going haywire and his breathing was laboured. Everything he saw reminded him of what he did to Arthur. Each night he saw Cedric fall to the ground in a flash of green light and this black door kept plaguing his thoughts, leaving him confused as to why it was so important.

As Harry lifted his head to stare at his reflection, he stumbled back.

His reflection was not his own.

Voldemort was staring back at him with his snake-like scarlet eyes, while showing his pointed teeth in a sinister smile...


Harry jolted awake. As he gasped for breath all he could tell himself over and over was that it was another nightmare. Nothing more. Slowly, his heart rate began to decrease.

He was lying on a bench still in the hospital. As he became aware of his surroundings, he noticed his jacket draped around him like a blanket.

He looked up and realised his head was resting in Robyn's lap. Harry felt himself blush.

Robyn stirred from her sleep after detecting movement. As her eyes slowly opened, she saw Harry looking up at her and she smiled brightly.

Then she noticed the look in his emerald eyes. "Another nightmare?"

Harry didn't have to answer for Robyn to know the truth and she sighed, smiling sadly at her boyfriend.

"Get up." Robyn said in a whisper as she didn't want to disturb Hermione and Ron who were asleep on the opposite bench. Robyn smiled when she saw Ron's head was rested on Hermione's shoulder and Hermione was leaning her head on to Ron's.

"What, why?"

Robyn looked down at Harry again. "Because I want to talk to you and I don't want to disturb the others..."


Robyn and Harry found themselves wondering down to the canteen where the early morning sun was just peaking through the windows.

The canteen was empty as they would not open it for another hour which allowed Harry and Robyn to talk without getting intrupted.

Robyn stared at Harry.

"What?" The words tumbled from Harry's lips in a amused tone. "You're doing an awful lot of staring."

Robyn simply smiled at Harry's teasing tone. "Well considering you're my boyfriend now, Potter, I gathered I was allowed to appreciate you from time to time."

Harry's face turned a dark tone of scarlet.

"Anyway, tell me about this nightmare. Well, the one that told you Arthur was in trouble."

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