Chapter Forty-One

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"So you smashed our prophecy. Harry Potter thwarts me again."

Voldemort began to circle around the teens, twirling his wand casually which Robyn found the most alarming. She would have much preferred if he was pointing his wand directly at her. At least that way, she knew what was coming. She was sure the calmer he acted, the more reckless and dangerous he was.

His eyes followed Harry, he didn't even give Robyn a second glance.

"Master . . . he's here . . . below . . ." Bellatrix stumbled, her cold demeanor crumbling to the floor almost as fast as she did.

"Silence Bella!" Voldemort hissed, his red eyes still staring intently at Harry.

Harry heart was beating wildly. Fear was coursing through his veins and the Dark Lord's voice sent a shiver through his body, chilling him to his very bones as though he had been hit with ice cold water.

Harry held his wand tightly in one hand, although he knew he was no match for the monster standing in front of him and with his other hand, he found Robyn's slightly clammy one and forced her behind him, shielding her with his own body.

If Voldemort had noticed this gesture, he chose to ignore it. "You have slipped through my fingers too many times. You have stood in my way for so long now I think of nothing else. I can barely remember a time when you haven't lurked in my mind. I have nothing left to say to you, Harry Potter! AVADA KEDAVRA!"

Harry closed his eyes as Tom raised his wand and stood fully in front of Robyn, prepared to take the full blow.

He saw green light through his eye lids, glowing eerily and knew it was a matter of seconds before he would no longer be in the realm of living.

He heard Robyn's scream echoing in his ears but he saw no point trying to reassure her that it was all going to be okay. Nothing would ever be okay as long as the monster in front of them lived.

Seconds went by and Harry was starting to get confused. He had not been hit yet. He was sure he was still alive. He could feel his mind racing with questions. His pulse was beating loudly in his chest and ears. He dared to open his eyes and was surprised to see a giant golden wizard statue spring to life, jumping in front of Harry and Robyn, taking the blow of the Killing Curse harmlessly.

Bellatrix suddenly let out an ear splitting scream, almost as loud as her cackle. A golden witch statue had jumped down, taking Bellatrix's wand and pinning the Death Eater to the floor.

Shock momentarily crossed Voldemort's inhuman features and he muttered; "Dumbledore."

Anger flashed dangerously across his eyes and Tom turned around and there stood Albus Dumbledore.

The two powerful wizards stared at eachother. Voldemort didn't dare remove his eyes from Dumbledore.

"It was foolish of you to come here tonight, Tom. The Aurors are on their way." Dumbledore said, his demeanour quite calm.

Voldemort eyes flashed. "By that time I will be gone, and you dead!"

Voldemort shot a green jet at Dumbledore. Dumbledore simply turned his head slightly as the startling green jet missed by an inch and hit the back wall.

Dumbledore walked forward, as if he hadn't a care in the world. Voldemort stood at the ready, wand raised, and a slight hint of fear in his gaze.

Dumbledore poised his wand and a blinding silver light shot out like lightning. Voldemort held out his free hand and a five foot black shield appeared out of thin air, taking Dumbledore's blast.

While Voldemort's attention was upon Albus, Harry dragged Robyn behind a black tiled wall and watched her, concern etching his face.

"Are you okay?" He asked her, his green eyes boring into hers.

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