I'll shine for you ch 43

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julietrome, you were the first to comment on the last chapter, and your comment was very sweet. There for you get the last dedication.

Hey everyone! This is the last chapter.

I just want to say that this has experience has been amazing. I am so grateful for my supporters and the friends I have made.

Look for the Sequel. It's called "Your the Reason".

It will be up by next week.

This chapter is longer than the others, but the last chapter always need to be a but epic.

I own nothing, as all ways.

Love you all!


I feel numb inside. But yet at the same time, I feel everything. I feel anger, betrayal, used, and extreme sadness.

I have had red puffy eyes the past few days. The boys think its because Hermione, Molly and Lola have been petrified. That's part of it, but I don't correct their assumptions.

I cry because I am tired of being used.

I cry because I feel like my life has been put on repeat.

I cry because I thought he would never hurt me or use me.

I am done crying over...him. Well...at least I am done crying on the outside.

I know that sounds stupid, but it true.

I have managed to avoid him for the past few days. He has not gone out of his way to see me, at all.

You know what?

Screw Snape!

Screw him and his couch!

I walk out into the common room, and meet up with gloomy looking Cory, Ron and Harry.

"Lets go get some noms" I say cheerfully.

"Whats got you all happy" Ron asks.

"I refuse to be mopey anymore. They wouldn't want that for us. So lets go eat, and then after wards we can go visit our friends in the infirmary" I tell them.

"But we have double potions after breakfast" Cory says while I feel a sharp pain in my stomach.

Pushing the pain aside, I say "well then lets hurry."

The four of us make are way to the Great Hall, walking in I notice that the gloomy mood has fallen over the rest of the school. Except the Slytherins, they're the most cheery group in the hall.



I see Snapes look at me as I walk in, but I refuse to look at him.

We sit down and immediately start to eat.

Ron finishes before everyone else. The gross part is that he ate more than everybody else, and we were so engrossed in watching Ron eat, that I lost some of my appetite.

"Are you lot done yet? I wanna see Mione...and the others" Ron says looking a bit sheepish.

He so has a hard on for Hermione.

'I know right!

As we start to leave I grab a bunch of semi dead looking flowers from the tables. On the way there, I heal them with my bad ass Necro Powers. Colors of life vibrate through the flowers as we walk into the infirmary.

"Blimey, how you do that Mara" Ron asks me.

I respond with a sly smile and say "Magic".

I separate the flowers into 3, giving some to Ron, Cory and my self. Ron takes his flowers to Hermione, Cory takes hers to Lola, and I take mine to Molly.

I'll Shine for you (Watty Awards 2011)Where stories live. Discover now