90 minutes and synapses.

10 0 0

We talked throughout the lesson, Jaden rambling on and on about her band and checking to see if we had the same classes.

This time round, I didn't need the maps. Jaden and Connor took me around the school, and after another class, we went to the cafeteria. They led me to a table, a little distance from the table with all the sluts and man-hoes. Calling them that would be modest. But the seemed to be the epitome of the school; a long table of around 20 people. The boys I met in history were there, and the guy who raised his eyebrows at me was laughing and clapping.

"Strategic position, huh?" I smirked. Jaden nodded, "I've got my eyes on Cameron. But he seems too interested in Kourtney, don't you think?"

When I saw the jock with his hand around a girl, I choked. "Don't I hate Kourtney," she sighed, "her skirt's shorter than my eyelashes." Jaden had a good sense of humor, evidently.

After we had lunch, an assembly was called in the courts. In the middle stood my mom, beaming up at the students already seated in the bleachers. I could see the black-haired-raise-the-eyebrows guy laughing a little higher up on the bleachers. I don't know why I even cared about him. I was just curious, I guess. Curious to what, I'm not sure.

Everyone settled down, and my mom began, "Well, kids, I hope you all had a lovely lunch, I mean where do you get all those good brains without eating your greens huh?"

Cue the most awkward five minutes of my life. Or my mom's, at least, while she chuckled at her own joke in silence. She then cleared her throat and began her speech.

After one and a half hours of that, Connor groaned. "That has GOT to be the most boring 90 minutes of my life! She's the worst one we've had so far!"

"She's my mom." I said. At first they laughed so hard. When they saw my face, Jaden said, "Wait, are you serious?"


"Woah," they both said. I was kind of expecting them to leave, like most of my other first-day-of-school-friends. I expected them to slide away and never talk to me again. But they just smirked. "Well, I guess we'll get our asses covered if we break the rules, huh?" Connor said, slinging his arm around me.

I had one more class without Jaden and Connor- Bio. The lab was dingy, filled with kids already. There were the boys again- urgh- so now I have half of my classes with them. I recognized Max and his black haired friend. Max waved at me, and his friend's face quickly changed from a wide smile to a face of- what? Hatred? Contempt? I didn't know. I smiled at Max, and sat next to a brown haired girl with a jacket over her uniform and heavy black eyeliner on her eyes. "Hi! You're new, right? I'm Clarissa," she jumped, startling me. I introduced myself, and the teacher arrived.

"Urgh!" Clarissa said exasperated. "I don't get this shit," she shoved her books away. I took her books and looked at them. "No, Clarissa, it's like this. The gap between these two is called a synapse. The axon has these chemical transmitters that allow the impulse to flow only that way," I explained.

Her face lightened up, "Oh my god! For the first time in my fricking life I understand this! Holy shit! Thank you thank you thank you!!" she exclaimed, pulling me into a huge hug. I smiled, "Don't worry, you had most of it right anyway."

She looked at me for a minute, almost like putting me in analysis. Then she pointed to the boys at the back. "See those guys other there? That's Max, and the black haired guy is Noah. They're my friends, but they can be assholes. If they give you any trouble, you know who to come to." I nodded, looking at Max's friend. Noah. So that's his name.


I'm sorry this chapter is super short. Any thoughts about Clarissa? I have a feeling she's the kind of one who can do some serious ball kicking. 

I was serious about the synapse thing today, btw.



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