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"So, you going to Prom?" Clarissa asked, as we walked the green lawns of the school heading to the library. "I don't know," I said, although that notion had been thrown in the trash a long time ago, "Is it good?"

"Oh girl, believe me when I say that Prom is just amazing," she said. She began explaining all the lights and illusions and lavish food. I tuned her out, thinking about the coding I left two days ago. It was still running, trying to hack through the firewalls of the school system. It wasn't a piece of cake, because Black Hawk had hired the best software engineers.

"Oh hold on, Alex, I just need to talk to Noah," Clarissa stopped her talking and ran to him, who was leaning on the stone entrance. Again, adjusting the tie, the blazer, he made my insides tingle. I figured he liked Clarissa; he wouldn't be so intent on ruffling his hair otherwise. While they talked, I put my hands my blazer pockets. There was a hole in the right pocket of my blazer, whose strings I was pulling.

When we got to the library, I pulled out another piece of paper. Lying is what brings the excitement in my life. - The Candid.

I laughed at the irony before watching Clar pull out that zombie book. She gave me a sheepish grin, "Zombies are related to biology, you know. Hey how about you come over to my house today?"

"Sure, I'll try," I smiled weakly; my mom would never let me go to another person's house- especially if it was after school and in senior year. "He's not going for prom, in case you're wondering," Clar said behind her book.


"Noah Black."

I frowned, "Why would I need to know that?"

"Ah, I just know you hate him with a passionate...passion. Keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer, I guess," she said.

"I don't hate him," I replied, "But if someone had poured poison into his drink and I knew about it, I'd encourage him to drink it." Clar laughed. "He's a really nice guy-"

"Once you get to know him, yeah," I interrupt, "Max told me." We end the conversation there. The bell rings an hour later, just when Clarissa finishes the zombie book and turns to her bio work. The corridors are buzzing with talk of the prom.

"-and there this huge fountain-"

"- I heard he's coming in shorts, do think that's appropriate?"

"-blue, and we're going to match it together-"

For these people, Prom was highlighted in their calendars. Everyone seemed to be preparing; it was next week, after all.

Clarissa went to Social studies while I joined Troye at Algebra. Max and Adrian were fighting over who'd get the prom date first. "You have to be smooth, Adrian," Max said. "Ha, I'll show you smooth." Adrian replied, crumpling a ball and hitting a girl with blue highlights. The Chinese girl turned around, looking pissed What? She mouthed.

"Hey Li, want to go with me to prom?" Adrian whispered loudly. She smiled, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, "Yeah, sure."

Adrian winked at us. Max scowled, scanning the room for a girl. Then slowly, he looked at me. "Aaaalex," he dragged, "Come with me to prom?"

"No." I replied, to which Troye oooooed and laughed, "Roasted!"

"Oh come on," Max said, pouting.

"Mr Hunter!" the teacher called from the back. "I don't think the work I gave you included discussion." He muttered something under the lines of no it included your mom, nevertheless continuing his sums.

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