Trust and loose wooden planks.

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Last night's events had me restless and I woke up with only 15 minutes till school the next day. My mom didn't seem pissed when I came home late, which was surprising. She had left early this morning, which meant I had to walk.

I had too many things on my mind. First was the pale stranger, who looked like he was hell bent on assassinating me. I didn't know this guy; but I didn't want to get to know him either. I'd have to do some research on him, though.

And there was Noah. He knew I was the vice's daughter. I wouldn't have cared, but really he could tell a lot of people and I could have to endure a senior year of being victim to bullying. I also didn't want the stranger to know anything more than he already does. Noah seemed mad, last night. Adamant to get attention was my anger, which wanted to know what his problem was, because I hadn't done anything to him (as far as I knew, of course, I'm in no way accountable to when I sleepwalk). But I couldn't help the partial work of female hormones and curiosity alike as to what he was doing last night, and how he called me 'Redmayne', which meant he knew my surname. He knew where I lived, which was all a bit too strange if you ask me. Then again, he could have seen me outside my house; I chose not to linger on the subject too much.

When I got to the English class, Jaden and Connor gave me furtive looks. The look was something that people gave me when they were judging if they could trust me. "What's wrong?" I asked, buttoning my blazer. Jaden shook her head and smiled, "Hey, I'm sorry I couldn't drop you last night. How'd it go?" Still weary, I told her that everything went well. "You didn't get raped did you?" Connor smirked.

I laughed, "I might have been."

Connor gasped dramatically, "But that was supposed to be my job!" Jaden smacked him on the head and said, "No, dumbass, it was my job." I laughed as the teacher told us to open our books.

"I want a 500 word descriptive essay on my table tomorrow morning," the teacher said, to which the class groaned. "You children act as if you have a ton of housework or a job- I don't want to hear it."

"But Miss, I have to take care of our baby," a cocky voice said from the back of the class. I turned to look at who made the class burst into laughter and the teacher looking livid. The jet black ruffled hair and unbuttoned blazer told me it was Noah, who was high fiving Finn. I hadn't noticed him.

"Mr Black," the teacher scowled, "A word with me after class."

"Sure, Miss, any time," Noah said smirking. The girls in the class were giggling and swooning; I rolled my eyes; typical.

Grabbing a piece of paper, I scribbled:

Underdogs become top dogs because they have already fallen. If a top dog hasn't fallen before, then their time is yet to come.

I stuck it inside my pocket and began writing that essay. If you can guess, I wrote about the place I had been to on my first day after school. I was so absorbed in my story that when the bell rang, I lost track of where I was, and hardly noticed the glances Jaden and Connor were giving each other. I pretended to not notice throughout Physics, even though part of me was fearing what secret Connor and Jaden weren't telling me.

As we were heading to the cafeteria, Connor grabbed my arm lightly. I stopped facing both of them, apprehension and my imagination of what they were going to say consuming me. They then dragged me to an empty hallway with only two doors; they looked nothing like the other parts of school. Cobwebs were manifold here and the smell of dust was in the air. Connor pulled me into one of the two classrooms. It was empty; with blank walls except for one large window, floor to ceiling, with light flowing through. I walked to it, and gasped.

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