Newbie, pink hair and brave soldiers

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If I had to name one frustratingly annoying attribute of myself, from the long list of things that make me a big failure, here it is: I am socially awkward. 

Probably the most socially awkward human bean (yes I said human bean) in the goddamn entire world. Now, usually I'm pretty okay with the fact that I am incapable to make friends, but it's not really great when you're a new senior, in the middle of term. I hurriedly got out of my mom's car while she pulled out her bag and papers from the back seat. It was her first day as vice principal, and really I was not too enthusiastic about telling everyone that the new kid is the vice's daughter. As I walked, I heard loud laughter and yells, and saw a group of boys and girls circled around a sleek car. By a group of boys and girls, I mean boys all muscular, messy hair, chiseled jawlines, smirks; by girls I mean thin dolls with a bare minimum of uniform cloth.

I met the head in her office. She looked like the only fun thing she did in her life was play Sudoku. "Hello, Alexis, welcome to Black Hawk High. I'm Ms. Riviera. You'll get your things from the office; then I'll introduce to your first class," she smiled thinly. I walked behind her, watching the greyish black hair in a bun bounce up and down as she plodded down the hall with her black stilettos. She took small steps in that tight black office skirt and it seemed like forever until I reached my class.

The children looked bored, as ever. It's an Algebra class, after all, what do you expect? The teacher looked down from his glasses and nodded when Ms. Riviera walked in. My cheeks were heating up and I suddenly felt self-conscious. "Everyone, this is Alexis. I want all of you to help her in her first weeks as a Hawk. Welcome to Black Hawk High, Alexis," she repeated, and I give her a small smile. Whilst I tried to find an isolated spot, I heard the head whispering to the teacher, "She's the new vice's daughter, you know."

Shit. I hope no one heard that.

Catching some glances at all the students in my class, I registered four of the guys I saw in the morning near the car. You could only get into Black Hawk if your intelligence was above average; so they're hot and smart- great. They didn't pay attention to me- no bloody wonder. I hope I can get through senior year like this.

Although I tried my hardest to look like I wasn't a newbie, the shit load of maps and schedules the office gave me were begging to differ. I stuffed all of them in my bag and pulled out my earphones, plugging them into my ears as I walked along a corridor lined with a few dull blue lockers on either side of the walkway packed with teenagers. Room 367... room 367... the bell rings, signaling the start of the next class. I had World History in room 367, which I found after a couple of whole circles around school. I walked in and plopped onto the empty third row without much contemplation. The teacher wasn't here yet. Voices behind me told me the delinquents were in class already, and as I discreetly turned to look at them, I saw two- no three- boys laughing, sitting around on tables. I think I stared too long at them, because one of them held a glance a bit too long. Then he raised his eyebrows and nudged his friend.

Well shit.

The boy had ruffled jet black hair and from here his eyes took a cerulean hue. He wore a slightly tight white shirt under his blazer and I could just tell that he was one of those guys that made every girl drop dead. Clearly not me, but I hurriedly turned back to face the front, feeling my cheeks burn. Then the last few students filed in, followed by a rather elderly looking man. Urgh. I hate old people when it comes to history. Any topic with old people, just not history. When the class settled down, a figure jumped onto the seat next to me, leaving me looking wide eyed at a guy with dirty blonde hair and green eyes. "Hey," he smirked.

I rolled my eyes, and looked at the teacher. I regretted removing my headphones; he would've been much easier to ignore.

"Well, you seem pretty nice for a newbie."

I huff, "Yeah, what d'you want?"

"She speaks!" he grinned, raising his hands in half victory. I lowered my head forward and turned back to look at the two guys who had their eyes on me and this annoying freak next to me. "Name?" he asks, as I look at him for the first time properly. Woah. "What's it to you?" I reply, trying to forget what he looked like.

"The name's Max Hunter," he smirked, lifting his hand for a handshake, which I rejected. A moment's silence, and then he shrugged and return to his place at the back. I heaved a sigh of relief, and then another figure sat next to me. This guy had brown hair, and a grey lip ring that matched his eyes. "So, you don't like Max, huh?"

I shrugged, trying my best to continue looking at the teacher. "I'm Troye." I continued to ignore him. Then he shook his head and walked away. The teacher didn't seem to notice the fact that there were boys moving about. Then another figure plopped next to me. I rolled my eyes. But a girl's voice made me turn my head.

"Hi," she said, pushing her elaborate pink hair behind her ears. "I'm Jaden."

I gave her a small smile. She was fair, had a cute button nose and greenish blue eyes- but her most striking feature was definitely the hair.

"Don't mind those boys, they're a bit wound up on getting every girl around their finger. You seem to be the only one I've ever met that doesn't die when she sees them. May thee state thou name, brave soldier?" she grinned. I widened my smile, "Alexis. Alexis Redmayne."

"Well, Alexis, nice to meet you. Hey, uh, slightly unusual question... are you homophobic?"

"No!" I exclaimed, to which she grinned. She turned around and pointed to a guy sitting awkwardly on the chair, looking shyly at me. "See him, over there? He's my best friend, Connor. If you want, you can hang out with us." I nodded enthusiastically. He wore his blazer without the buttons, his brown hair styled a little to the side. I wondered why he was with Jaden, who didn't seem too popular, even though he could have easily made it to the elite. But I was surprised that I actually found some friends- I was expecting my first actual conversation with someone after graduation.


So yo! Do you guys like it? Who loves Jaden already? *does a fancy hand jazz dance*


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