Pink helmets and Jade eyes

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School finished faster than I wanted it to, and before I knew it, I was waiting for Jaden and Clarissa to meet me under a wide maple tree. Noah's ruffled hair and maroon blazer caught my attention, just as he was leaving to his Benz. Where do these kids get the all money for this stuff? Of course, I could easily get one from my dad, but my mom would kill me if I went all celebrity to school. And my dad's, well, unavailable at the moment.

Noah waved at some girl and winked at her. I could hear the shrill giggle that she gave, and it maddened me. But I shouldn't care, right?

"Alex!!!" Jaden came running to me, with Clarissa laughing behind her. "We'll go in my car," said Jaden, "Clarissa's taking the boys." I wiggled my eyebrows at that, and we walked to the car park. When we left, I caught the pale boy with his eyes on me, standing sentinel, clad in black, and they sucked my smile out. I looked away and back, and he was gone.

We followed Clarissa's car, laughing at the boys who were sticking their tongues out at us. Finn had opened the sun roof, and was standing on the seat with his hands care free. I copied him, and felt Jaden accelerate speed, challenging Clarissa.

The race between Clarissa and Jaden seemed petty compared to the ones in the Race Course. Blazers off, the boys went to a counter to get helmets; Finn and Tyler were fighting over which colour they could get. "Come on, rock, paper, scissors then," Tyler said, clutching the helmet tightly. They played, and Finn won, Tyler giving him the blue helmet with the fire design and taking a pink flowery one instead. We couldn't help laughing at him shoving Finn. Clarissa joined them, and Jaden and I sat on the spectator seats. The cars were like prototypes of Formula 1s; and all of them seemed to be able to race well.

Troye passed the finishing line first- for Tyler, it was almost as if he lost every game- he came last. "Damn it! Still 3 seconds late!" Troye exclaimed when we met them at the timings board. "Noah always gets faster than me."

"Wonder why he didn't come, huh?" Adrian mused. Everyone shrugged, except Clarissa, who glanced at me and then broke her face to a smile.

We split ways after, some of us going to the Saber House, with the laser guns, and the rest going to the Trampoline Clouds, with all the trampolines. Jaden winked at me when she joined Cameron to the Trampoline Clouds.

An hour later, Jaden came out horrified, with wide eyes, and Cameron and the other guys laughing hysterically. "You won't believe what happened!" said Max, shaking with laughter. I looked at Jaden in confusion. "She- she pushed- she pushed one of the guys who worked there-" Cameron was saying between laughs. I finally caught onto what they were saying- that Jaden pushed an employee over a cushioned wall and he got mad and chased them out.

"I swear- I didn't mean to-" Jaden said, flustered.

"Who cares? That was amazing," Cameron said, wiping tears. Jaden gave him a small smile; he grinned back.

While we sat around a table eating ice cream, Jaden was cracking her jokes. Even I couldn't avoid Cameron's dimple when he laughed. They seemed to be nice people, eventhough they held their heads higher than usual and walked as if wearing a jock's jacket meant royalty. The jock was just really this big goofball, laughing louder for Jaden's weirdness. Then she and Clarissa went to play in the games arcade, and I hung around with the boys. "Hey," Cameron said, sitting next to me on a wall. "So is Jaden, you know, your best friend?"

I nodded, watching him blush. "She's really pretty- I mean, she's pretty cool," he cleared his throat.

"I know that," I smirked.

"Have you ever noticed, she's got jade eyes?"

"I don't really look that long," I smirked, Cameron running his hand through his hair.

"I don't think I ever noticed her."

"Well," I rolled my eyes, "That should be because you keep your head too high and your taste too cheap."

He looked at me with a look of regret in his eyes. He sighed, "I know."

"If you know, then why don't you change?" I asked.

"I've never had the reason to," he replied, gazing into the entrance of the gaming centre. The sky was dissolving into a darker blue, and I realized that I was still wearing my uniform, although I had told my mom that I would be late earlier. Of course, she wasn't too happy about it, but she let me go. Despite that, I would be pushing my luck if I skipped my curfew of 8:30. There was still and hour left, but I barely knew how far away I was from home. "Jaden's a really nice person, Cameron. Whatever you do, just don't break her heart- if you do, well then, you'd better wear a ball guard," I shoved him playfully, and went to fetch Jaden.

She had her phone pressed to her ears, eyes wide and repeating the same words, "Sorry mom, I forgot, I know, I'm sorry." I raised my brows to her worried face. She did a funny gesture, "I am, once again, completely regretting my life's decisions," she smiled sheepishly, "I forgot that my mom had a dinner meeting and I was supposed to be there."

I laughed and asked her to go ahead without me. She replied with an apprehensive look. "Are you sure, Alex?" I nodded and she left with a quick hug from Cameron. The boys started another game with Clarissa. A glance at the clock told me that I was getting late and that if I didn't hurry my mom would kill me. Probably put me in a prison in Siberia for it.

"Come on Alex," pouted Adrian, his adorable blue eyes almost hypnotizing me, "Stay for a few more minutes." But I shook my head firmly and bid them goodbye, getting hasty directions from a Clarissa who was immensely absorbed in a violent post-apocalyptic game.

According to her, I wasn't far away. 10m away from the entertainment park I'd find a main street that was empty, and then I'd have to walk some more and I'd be in my neighborhood. Only problem, she said, was that these roads were empty and that I'd probably get kidnapped by a white van.

Thatseemed highly unlikely. Until, of course, on the 3rd Avenue, anothershadow began following mine.     


Ayeeee, who ships Cameron and Jaden? Wow that sounds like two guys. I really have nothing much to say so sorry guys I'm not that talkative really. 



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