Dark voids and Fireflies

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I had told my mom that I would go home early, with the benefit of us not being seen together. I had planned to walk home, like I usually do on my first days, but today, unexpectedly, I got a lift from Jaden. Standing next to her Audi 6800, with my blazer hanging on my shoulder, I stood watching the major hoes and man hoes circled around a car, watching a boy trying to attempt some stupid stunt. The boy, who had his blazer thrown aside to reveal a white shirt stuck tightly to his muscles, was Noah. He posthumously failed his stunt, falling in splits. His laughter was loud enough for me to hear, and for some reason it made me chuckle too. Surprising, he wasn't like this in class.

My eyes then fell on another's. They were like dark voids, pulling my laughter from my face. A cold shiver ran down my spine. The eyes belonged to a snow- skinned boy. Now he would have looked hot, in my opinion, but I could make out a grotesque scar that ran from the bridge of his nose to his jawline. It was like that bit of dirt on the wall that ruined everything, pulling his face into a grimace. He noticed my attention on him and then walked away out of the gates. Jaden caught me with furrowed eyebrows. "Sorry I'm late. What's wrong?"

"Nothing," I shook my head, and we both got in.


"I saw that pink haired girl and another guy hanging out with you today, Alex. Are they your friends?" mom asked me, spreading peanut butter on a sandwich at 7 in the evening.

I shrugged, "I guess." She raised her eyebrows. "Well, mind who you mix with, because that pink hair is definitely not pleasing me- neither is that boy. Very suspicious, you'd think they were dating, and that's something-"

"Mom!" I exclaimed, " Please don't try to get rid of the only two people who are actually nice to me, I've never had any good friends, and they seem fine," I snapped, getting of my chair and making to leave. "And they aren't dating, go have a proper look in the cafeteria someday, you'll be overwhelmed."

I took her car keys and left. I didn't know where I was going, but it was somewhere far. All my life, I've been alone, and just when two people actually talk to me, two people I find comfortable to stay with, my mom has to find their faults. All she does is sit in her office, while I have to rot away alone in school because nobody would be my friend. She doesn't understand how the awkwardness kills me. I don't think I ever cared back then, but for the first time, I felt... whole. I felt the tingling excitement when I saw Jaden with her smile, I felt my heart warm up when Connor ruffled his hair. I had only known them for less than 6 hours, but it felt I had known them forever, and the hollowness that I never knew was finally embedded with silver. My mom was not going to stop me from sticking with them.

Immersed in my thoughts, I barely noticed where I had driven. Silhouettes cast on the dashboard in front of me. Killing the engine, I got out and a fresh, sharp wind held me. Trees roamed around the landscape, standing over me, quite like a protective guardian. A slight pathway strode between them. Something told me to climb back into my mom's car, but I walked forwards, onto the path. The smell of pine and dry leaves came to me as the trees hugged me on either sides; rustling had me cautious, but at the same time, lost to the beauty of the darkness. And then, an opening came. Fireflies caught my attention first, like sparks of flame in the wind. And then my breath held. In front lay a circular opening of the sweetest smelling grass, encompassed within trees. The opening dropped down below, to jagged cliffs, and beyond it was the city, timeless, alive, bursting with every color. The streets were like gold threads, trailing throughout the city, and the skyline was lost to a blue darkness. Stars pierced the curtains like moth bitten holes, in patterns of embroidery. I had never seen anything so beautiful; I had only dreamt of it. It made me forget all the unnatural pressure built by man, all the emotions. It made me forget the people who seemed to drain my feeling of being accepted- my mom, the weird pale boy who stood outside the gates. And the dark haired one. 


I think I find the chapter title too aesthetic and an overestimate of this chapter. I'm sorry y'all. But really, I've always dreamt of a place like this. I felt amazing writing it.

I decided to make the chapters I write short because you know I'm that lazy. But dun wary fwens.



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