Mutual Feelings

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My conscious is the judge of my actions in the court of others.

I scribbled during Psychology. The teacher gave us a ten minute break before the end of school, so everyone huddled into groups. Neither Jaden nor Connor did Psych so I just sat alone a few seats in front of Noah and his friends.

"I could have done her three or four times, but she had a small hole," a voice said, making the guys burst into laughter. I turned around and saw the dirty blond hair to know Max was speaking,"I mean, it was so hard," he jerked back and forth with a mock look of confusion.

"You should have played with her a bit more." Noah smirked. A bubble of anger was blowing within me. Played with her? What did these guys think she, whoever the person, was? A toy?

"Meh," Tyler said, ruffling his platinum blonde hair, "She isn't that good." All the boys, I could see, except Adrian- who was fidgeting uncomfortably and biting his lip intensely- sniggered.

"But seriously, next time, make the most out of them," Noah said. That burst my bubble, unleashing my anger and pushing me from my chair and walking to the boys.

"Ah, Alex," Max said, smiling, "You didn't stay-"

"Stop being absolute dickheads. Who do you think girls are to you, some sort of toys?" I spat, and all the boys looked down at the floor. All except- why am I not surprised- Noah. He pulled out his phone and began jabbing away at the screen with a look of extreme boredom and indifference. "You should learn to respect women," I said, hitting Max on the head, "It's your fricking problem if your thing doesn't fit in the hole, so next time grow yourself some balls and act like proper gentlemen." I smacked Tyler on the head.

"Sorry," Max said, and before the bell rang, I spat, "You better be."

When I got out of the class, Max and Tyler and Finn were following me to my locker, apologizing. I regretted nothing, although the fact that boys were following me got a few stares from the teachers.

"Please, Alex," Max pouted, with Tyler and Finn following suit.

"For the hundredth time," I groaned, "I forgive you, but you better not do that again."

"We fwends again?" Max asked, and I laughed with a nod. That got them to leave with a hug.

The corridors were almost empty save for a few kids, as I walked downstairs. There was a water filter on the ground floor, where kids drank. I pulled out my bottle- personal hygiene, no big deal- and waited near while another student drank. He was bent to the filter, slurping in the most grotesque way.

If he noticed my presence, the black-haired boy didn't register it, and took 15 minutes slurping away. Ridiculous, the fact that the school only had one tap for the whole floor. But I waited; and when he was done, he walked away head down. Rolling my eyes, I tried opening the tap. But it was broken. "Really? What is your problem?" I exclaimed, looking at the black-haired dude who was walking away from me. If you can guess what made me even more pissed than before, the black-haired son of a gun was Noah. He had his eyebrows raised in boredom. "What is your problem?" I repeated.

"What's your problem?" he asked with a tone of annoyance.

"My problem is your existence," I scowled. He walked away, ignoring me, "Hey!" I said, grabbing his arm. Pulling away, he pushed me to the wall with his hand pressed against my shoulder tightly. "The feeling's mutual Redmayne," he whispered. His sharp blue eyes, full of anger, almost cutting mine, made me look away. My shoulder was aching because he pressed all his weight onto it, and our distance was smaller than that of the diameter of an eraser.

Then he walked away without a word, slinging his blazer over his shoulder.


"So I heard a few boys were following you around the school?" mom said. I groaned. These teachers should learn to shut up.

"They were asking me to help them with a project, mom, calm down." I replied, setting out the table for both of us.

"Well, Alexis, I want you to behave in school, and I respect mix schools but you must learn to keep your distance," she said.

I shook my head, "No papers on the table, mom." She smiled, and took them away. "I was wondering if I could go to Jaden's house tonight?"

"No," she said firmly; and that seemed to be the end of discussion. But I didn't really want to go to her house. I just wanted to get away to my place. After dinner, I asked to go out again, for a drive. My mom can tell if I'm lying- she was a teacher after all- but she saw my genuineness and let me go for an hour. Needless to say, I wondered why she let me go.

A tingling of excitement sparked when I walked through the trees. I breathed in the pine needles and lemon grass, and sat near the cliff ledge, staring at the city; the vast city. My place.

Speaking of secret places, I remembered Nair Da. Who was he? I spent a long time thing about it. Lying down under the stars, it finally clicked to me. If Nair Da was always replying, then he'd have to come into the room. All we had to do was exactly what he did; watch behind the door.

"Hey Alex," Jaden answered.

I smirked at the sky above me with the phone pressed to my ear. "I have a plan."


So... Noah. Curious little fella, ain't he?



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