Zombie killers and black undies.

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People and problems can no longer be polarized.

"So," Jaden plopped onto the seat next to me and Connor jumped onto the seat opposite me; I stuffed the paper in my blazer pocket. They both had an air of excitement; I could tell they had slept on it.

"So what?" I smirked, looking at Connor's exhilarated face. "Alex!" They shouted.

I lifted my hands in surrender. "Alright, alright," I said, sliding away my food tray, "So we're going to fix one camera inside the room because we don't always have to time to check on it, and later, we see who comes in the room. Oh yeah," I lift my hands in triumph, "That's what you get when you befriend me- conspiracy theories and jaw breaking master plans."

Then Connor said, "What if Nair sends someone else into the room- maybe another guy?"

My smile turned to a look of disappointment, "Shut up, Connor."

"Hey," he said, hands in surrender, "I'm just saying."

"Fine, we'll just give a try." Jaden said. "But we need a camera."

"My friend Mike has these cool cameras; I suppose we could borrow them," Connor said, dropping his gaze. "What's wrong?" I ask, watching him nervously style his hair again.

"It's just that... I feel like I'm betraying his trust."

I nod, eventhough I'm already pumped up for this game. "Anything new, Con?" Jaden asked. Connor pulled out another note.

Do you trust me, GIFman?

Connor told us that he had said yes, and that Nair replied with Then I trust you. "Then we'll let it slide, Con, it's not a problem." I said.

"No," he said, "I want to find Nair. We'll do it the hard way. Just keep watch whenever we can. That way we'll see who Nair is, but he can fairly escape as well. It's a matter of chance. That way, it's a fair game." We agreed on that.

Now that I knew Connor's secret, I noticed things I had never taken notice of before; his eyes lingering on a boy who passed his sight; his ruffling and adjust of blazer whenever a guy talked to him. Although I was overjoyed and proud of Connor, I was a bit disappointed- why did all the hot guys have to be gay?

Speaking of hot guys, while we were discussing a new anime that had come out, Cameron walked to our table. "Hey," he said. We all gave him a look of astonishment. The elite had never talked to anyone outside their table during lunch. Slowly, heads turned as they were as astonished as us. The jock looked straight at me without caring about the students gaping at him. "I need to talk to you," he said, and as we walked out of the door, Kourtney called out, "Cam, what are you doing with her?"

He ignored her, and turned to face me in the corridor. "I need a favor. Can you... I don't know... can you..."

"Cameron," I smirked, "Do want Jaden's number?"

"No, I already got that- I mean- I- no I don't. Can you ask her to meet me in the sports building at 2:30?"


"Did you just say Cameron, Cameron Hunter, Cameron the jock, Cameron the one with the green eyes, asked me, me the socially awkward, me the pink haired idiot, me the-"

"Rapist, yes, you the rapist," I interrupted.

"Tell me exactly what he said," she said, pacing the girl's washroom. I sighed, swinging my legs on the counter, " 'Can you ask her to meet me in the sports building at 2:30' ," I repeated for the 14th time.

"And you're sure he said 2:30?"

"Personally I think you just go a little bit later, like at 3- late is the new sessy," I struck a dramatic pose.

"If you meant sexy, no Alex it's not, I've got to be there at like 2:30- okay no wait that might look too desperate you're right I'll go at 2:45," she said, pulling up her bright pink hair to a half bun.

After another 30 minutes of fixing hair and freaking out, she went to the sports building. I waited for her in the library after taking a quick look at Connor's secret room, which was disappointingly empty.

The library, however, had a Clarissa engrossed in a post apocalyptic book. When I plopped onto the seat next to her, she jumped.

"Planning to become a zombie any of these days?" I smirked, turning my books to a page in Biology.

"Nah," she said pulling up the book to her face again, "I'm more of a zombie killer."

"Ghastly," I replied, smiling. Then I remembered the pale faced stranger; I thought Clarissa would be the one to know of all people.

"Hey, Clar, you wouldn't have happened to notice a pale dude standing on the road opposite after school, would you?" She put down her book, "As a matter of fact, I have. People say he used to be in our school, but was expelled. Bad history, that one," she shuddered.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean that scar isn't just a cut from a scissor. Rumor is that he's got his eyes on some girl- and when that happens, he becomes obsessed, tries to kidnap the girl, tries to rape her; he becomes overly possessive," she said with her voice lowered.

My breath hitched in my throat; I almost felt like fainting. This can't be happening. It just can't. Clarissa frowned. "Why do you ask? Jesus Alex, you look like you've seen a ghost."

I gave a small smile, although I felt petrified, "No, it was just curiosity. You wouldn't happen to know his name, would you?"

"No," she replied. Nodding, I went back to my book; but I could feel her eyes trying to figure me out.

When Jaden called me (with a tone of uncontrollable hyperventilation), I left the library with Clarissa. "Clar!" A voice shouted.

We both looked to see who it was; while she smiled and hugged him, I rolled my eyes and walked to the notice board. Clarissa mouthed Five minutes as Noah pulled her to a corner. He kept making his hair, ruffling it, loosening his tie; all of which made my inner female hormones cry in despair but my mind swirling in distaste. I saw from the corner of my eye that they kept whispering and throwing evasive looks at me. "Are you sure?" Noah asked. I turned away, this time reading what the notices said properly. And the first word I saw- PROM. Oh baby goats and gummy bears- this school had Prom?

Before I had any time to freak out, Clarissa whisked me away and I bid her goodbye, only to meet a red faced Jaden. Her hair was messy, and she was flustered. "How did it go?" I asked apprehensively. Then she jumped and ran from one end of the corridor to the other while I stood back clueless. When she stopped, she pulled me to a dance and began waltzing with me dragging behind. Then she did somersaults and I was scarred by the black undies.

This went on for a while.

Then she said, "I'll tell you tomorrow." I smacked her on her head before I got into my mom's car.


Alright I can confirm that Jaden is my fav. Definitely.



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