Educational Institution (i.e school)

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The alarm was blinking and pounding against Aiden's ear. He quickly turned over and hit snooze. It was the day that Winter Furlough ended and time for the Educational Institution to re-open its barred doors. Aiden was not looking forward to it. The alarm went off again followed by footsteps. Aiden's brother, Noah, came through the door. "Get up, Aiden. You know we can't stay in bed all morning anymore." Aiden rolled over and swept his feet over the side of the bed. He rubbed his face while his twin watched him. Aiden was 6'3 with bright blond hair and glowing green eyes. He was built and smart as a tack. Sadly though, he used his wit for disruptive practices. His brother looked just like him, the only difference was Aiden acquired their mom's traits where Noah favored their dad. Noah was 6'3 as well and built like Aiden. He had jet black hair and dark brown eyes. The two were inseparable. "Alright, alright. I'll get in the shower." Aiden stood up. "Better make it a quick one. I kinda used up a lot of hot water." Noah laughed. Aiden looked at him and sighed. "I bet you did." he smirked. "Sorry, but it's hard to wake up after being used to sleeping to 9pm." Noah turned and went to finish getting ready for E.I. Aiden looked at the clock and saw that it was 6:30. E.I. starts at 7:30 pm sharp. He walked over to the closet and got a towel. Aiden looked out the window to see the beautiful city below. The town of Persephone was glowing and twinkling as the dark sank in. Aiden could see all the bright buildings and street lights come on. He turned to hear Noah pounding on the wall beside him. "Alright! I'm going, sheesh." Aiden went into the bathroom and turned on the water. Noah was getting his school supplies ready when Aiden came down from upstairs all dressed. "Finally. We have 10 minutes." Noah said. Aiden looked over and smirked," Relax. It takes 7 to get there if we run." Noah rolled his eyes and took an apple while Aiden grabbed his apple strudel Pop-Tarts. The two boys went out into the cold city and were met by everyone leaving their homes as well.

Educational Institution began exactly at 7:30 and the twins were barely going to make it. Their E.I. starts this late because of an evil over lord who dominated their federation. The Great War that was between four generations ahead of Aiden's and Kasaku, the Demon of the Lake. He fought and demolished the ancestors of Aiden. 300 years later, Kasaku has been thriving off of the lives of those he overpowered by extracting from the top of every class. Since children were too weak for him, Kasaku started the extraction methods from the third grade up. Whoever proved to be the strongest, smartest, and most athletic was taken to his sanctions just outside his palace. From there, no one knows what happens. For whoever was chosen, never comes back to tell the story.

The twins ran past the locker rooms and Noah's bag fell splattering all his books and papers over the floor. As he bent over to pick up his supplies, Aiden gave Noah his bag and told him to go to class. "Aiden, i can't do that! This is my stuff! You're already on your second strike. Three more and you know what happens." Aiden looked at Noah and said,"Well you haven't even reached your first one. They will expect from me. Now go!" Noah took the bag and ran to class. As soon as Aiden picked up all the spilled books, the class bell rang. This deemed him late. As he raced to the class room the bell grew louder and eventually gave out. He grabbed the door knob only to discover it was locked. He let it go and sighed as he knocked three times on the hard, steel door. A booming voice came from above him and asked, "Unique ID." Aiden raised his head and looked into the green screen that was extended from the door. He peeked in as a green flash went on and muttered, "Aiden Grove. Previous Strikes: Two. Strike recieved now: One. Total strikes: Three." Aiden huffed and rolled his eyes as he heard the scratchy voice of his teacher from the other side of the door. He saw the giant lock in the center of the door, much like a vault door, slowly turn and he saw the scruffy old man from behind appear. "Good evening, Mr. Safis. You look well-rested." Aiden winked and awaited his punishment. Mr. Safis was a short man with bright white hair and a mustache that grew from his nose to the tips of the corners of his mouth. He had a lot of wrinkles and was a stern man who believed in strong discipline, but also loved to laugh. "Save the chit-chat for your significant other. Want to tell me why you are late?! AGAIN?!" Mr. Safis's voice boomed. "My bag dropped and I was scrambling to get all my books and papers back in it. It was raining earlier and I must have slipped. It was an honest mistake." he tried to sound as convincing as possible. "I don't care. You should have left them and came straight to class. You know what the punishment is. March." Mr. Safis followed Aiden as he went to the other side of the room. "Pop quiz!" shouted Mr. Safis. "Oh come on! I was prepared to do the writing punishment." Aiden was not happy. "Yes, well, I decided to shake things up a bit." Mr. Safis smirked. "Now! Show me your newest self defence method using the shadow technique we went over before break." Aiden sighed and twisted his arms and legs while muttering a spell. What was supposed to happen was a large dark shadow that was to cover Aiden up as he found somewhere to attack the enemy. The enemy, in this case, was the medal stool that he was supposed to have been sitting in earlier. What did happen was the opposite. Out of Aiden's hands was a large light that loomed over the entire class. As quickly as it grew, the light shriveled up. Aiden grunted and fell to his knees. "Hmm.... You can tell you just got back from break. Don't worry, I am sure that you will be back to your old self within the week. Now! Turn to page 66 in your textbooks." Mr. Safis turned and walked to the front of the class. The whole class groaned about starting work and Mr. Safis replied with,"Oh no! Break is over. Let's begin!" he clapped his hands and taught class. Aiden was still tired from his performance from earlier, but he managed to bring his stool and stay awake during the rest of class.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2017 ⏰

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