Pillow Fight //William

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Requested- hermoantommeraas

I woke up to Williams two strong arms wrapped around my waste pulling me closer to his chest as he sighs against my neck

"Good morning" I say as I turn over to look at him smiling with his eyes closed

"Morning beautiful" he opens one eye to look at me

I smile and look at him as he closes both his eyes again

"Stop staring at me Y/N" he laughs as he grabs a pillow and pushes it on my face

"Sorry I couldn't resist!" I giggle as I take the pillow and throw it at his face

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"Sorry I couldn't resist!" I giggle as I take the pillow and throw it at his face

"Oh really?" He says as he gives me smirk

"Willhelm no!" I say as I grab a pillow for shield

His face drops then suddenly he jumps on top of me and put both his legs on either side of me and leans down to my ear and sternly says

"Don't call me Willhelm"

He looks deep into my brown eyes and I look back into his, he tucks a piece of my short dark brown hair behind my ear

And then I feel a soft fluffy pillow hit against my face

"William!" I laugh as I see him laughing uncontrollably on top of me

"Aww you can say my name!" He Smiles as he leans down to give me a kiss but I reach for the pillow besides me and smack him in the head before his luscious lips could reach mine

"Oh it's on!" He huffs as we both stand up and jump all over the bed hitting each other with pillows

"Ow William to hard" I say as I hold my head from the blow of the pillow William threw

"My bad sorry" his face is covered with concern as he drops all the pillows and rushes to my side and kisses my forehead and hugs me tight

We both lay on the bed beside each other and catch our breaths

"How's your head?" William giggles

"Fine" I roll my eyes playfully and shove him

He grabs my waist and pulls me on top of him

"I love you Y/N" he smiles and pecks my nose then my lips

"So much" he whispers

"I love you too William" I grin and lean down to give him a long passionate kiss

A/N: Sorry if this is shit I really tried! I hope you liked it :)
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