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Requested- pandameetsmoon

Jonas and I were getting ready for school in the morning because he had spent the night yesterday... I called him over because I had heard a noise and didn't want to be alone.

He was at my house in 2 minutes ;)

"Jonas c'mon your taking longer than me to get ready!"

I yell from the kitchen trying to get breakfast real quick before we head to school

"It's the hair it must be perfect!" He groans back

I just chuckle shaking my head eating my cereal I made for my self

"And done how do I look?" Jonas pops up around the corner giving me a boyish grin as he gives me a short kiss

"Very handsome" I nod putting my pull of cereal in he sink

"Are you kidding me?" Jonas rolls his eyes annoyed

"What?" I ask innocently

"You were suppose to say "oh my gosh you look so fucking sexy I'd bang you right here on the counter if we didn't have school daddy Jonas!""

Jonas says waving his arms around and mimicking my voice in a squeaky tone

I laugh looking up at Jonas with my eyebrows raised

"You wish "daddy Jonas" " I smirk referring to the name he gave himself

"Don't give me a boner before school please" Jonas pleads

"To late" I laugh looking down at the bulge in his pants

"Whelp what a shame guess we are just gonna have to fix that c'mon" Jonas sighs picking me up by the waste and going up the stairs to my room

•At School•

We luckily weren't late to school, we still had 5 minutes until our 1st class started

Everyone was scattered into groups outside of the school

Me and Jonas get out the car and head towards Eva,Noora,Vilde,Chris, And Isak

But I hear wolf whistles and shouts from some of the Penetrator boys as I walk by

I was hoping Jonas wouldn't notice but I was wrong

"She's mine you STD fuck bots don't even think about touching her or I will punch your faces in" Jonas says as he glares at them and steps in front of me pushing me behind him as he starts to make fits

"They get it baby c'mon, you know I'm yours" I tell him quietly by his hear

He calms down and wraps his arm around my waste as we start to walk again I see him look back at the Penetrators and grabs my ass glaring at them

I laugh and shake my head he's so protective of me it's cute

"I love you" I smile up at him pecking his lips

"I love you more baby girl your mine don't forget that" he says cupping your cheek and kissing your lips softly

A/N: Hallo!!!! I hope you liked this sorry if it's not good I'm writing this at 3am so I'm tired but I wanted to get this up for you! I'm trying to get all your requests done thank you for being patient❤️

P.s  would you prefer your guys requests in 2nd POV or 1st like I've been doing? Idk it's up to you all I prefer 1st so I'm not saying "you" fifty times, leave your opinion in the comments plz!

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