"Cuddles?"// William

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Requested- robynvo

*buzz* *buzz* *buzz*

Who's calling me this late at night?? I think to myself as I grab my phone off my night stand and look


It's 11:26pm what does he want

I answer the phone quickly

Phone Call:
M=me W=William

M: "William?"
W: "Y/N.. I'm sick come over pleaaase"

William wines over the phone

M: "love I can't come over it's late"
W: "babyyy please I really don't feel good I need you"
M: "ugh babe hang in there I'll be over in a few I love you"

W: "I love you more"

-End Of Call-

I quickly grab some comfy pajamas and make myself look half way decent before I sneak out my window and tip toe to my car

I drive to the store to get some medicine and munchies before I get to Williams

I lock up my car and make my way to Williams door, I slowly open it to see William sprung out on the couch looking miserable watching tv

"aw love how are you feeling?" I ask as I step inside and put the bags of goodies on the counter

William jumps up from the couch quickly and soon has his arms wrapped around my waist and his head rested on top of mine in a warm hug

"Mmm you smell so good" William says quietly as he lets out a breath

"Thank you baby" I smile as I look up at him and kiss his cheek

"Now c'mon let's get you better ya?" I say as I dig through all the bags of food & medicine

"Oh no not that kind it taste horrible" William shakes his head looking at the medicine bottle in my hands

he slowly backs away, but I quickly grab his hand and pull him back

"Your not going to get better if you don't take this" I say as I rub his arm in attempt to comfort him

"Ughhhh fine" he wines

I get a spoon out of one of the kitchen drawers and fill it with the gross medicine

"Open" I demand as I put the spoon up to Williams mouth

William opens his mouth but pouts after he swallows all the medicine

"I love you" I smile as I kiss his cheek

"I love you too thank you for being here" Williams mumbles as he pulls me towards him in a big warm hug

"C'mon let's go to bed" I say as I grab his hand and walk to his bedroom

William walks past me and plops on the bed

"Cuddles?" He asks cutely

I just smile and nod as I climb into bed next to him and snuggle into his chest listening to his heart beat as I fall asleep

A/N: AHHH okiii, I hope you liked this it's been a bit since I've written but I tried<3

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