OTP// Willhelm

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Requested- AlwaysAdelina101

Sleepovers were always fun but...Sleepovers with guys is 10x better!

Me and the girls all decided to have a lil sleepover with some of the Penetrator boys,

I invited William of course and Eva invited Chris

"Adelina! do you have popcorn?" Chris yells from the kitchen as I sit on the couch with my big fuzzy blanket

"I think look in the top shelf above the stove!" I yell back getting comfortable

"Girls the boys are here!" Vilde squeals as she opens the door

I was way to comfortable to get up and greet them so I stayed on the couch and waited for everyone to gather in the living room

"Hallo baby girl" I hear William whisper in my ear as he leans over the couch

I smile and lean my head back to look at him, he smiles back at me and kisses my lips

"Awww look at you two!" Eva awes tilting her head to the side smiling at us

"They are indeed goals" Chris agrees coming up to the side of Eva

"Yeah why can't you be sweet like that" Eva furrow her brows together and smacks Chris's arm lightly

"What?! I am sweet" Chris defends himself as Eva walks away rolling her eyes playfully

"Chicks man, chicks" Chris says as he shakes his head slightly and walks into the kitchen

•Later On That Night•

"I say we watch that new scary movie that came out last Friday" Sana suggests

"No! I hate scary movies" Vilde squeals

"I'm down" Eva says as she snuggles closer to Chris

"I love scary movies" Chris (the girl) exclaims

I hated scary movies but I didn't want to ruin the fun so I kept my mouth shut

"Let's vote" William suggested beneath me as we were cuddled up on the couch together

"Who wants to watch the scary movie raise your hand" I announce

William,Chris(girl), Eva, Noora, Sana, And Chris raise there hands

Vilde pouts but puts the movie in

I snuggle closer to William as the movie started this was a dumb idea...

"Is my lil Adelina scared?" William teased

"Shut it Willhelm" I smirk knowing he hates when I call him that

"I will tickle you" Williams face drops to serious and I start to panic

Before I know it Williams fingers are going up and down my sides making me squirm everywhere laughing

"Stop! Okay I'm sorry" I barely get out from laughing

"I'll stop if you give me kisses" He smirks kissing my neck whenever he can

"Never!" I squeal as he tickles me more

"Okay then" William sighs as he smiles once again and gets his hands ready to attack my sides again

"No! Okay I'll give you kisses just no more" I smile putting my hands in his open ones

"That's what I thought"

I lean in and give him a kiss, I break away from the kiss hearing clicks

Me and William look over to everyone with there phones out

"You two are so cute omg!" Vilde fangirls looking at her phone

"You two are my otp I swear" Eva exclaims

"This is definitely going on insta" Noora grins looking down at her phone and showing everyone

"Thanks guys" I blush and hide into Williams chest

"Check your phone" Sana winks at me

I grab my phone to see a notification from Instagram

168 LIKES & 6 COMMENTS @noorasætre103: Cutest couple alive!☺️❤️@adelinaaa @william1#goals

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@noorasætre103: Cutest couple alive!☺️❤️
@adelinaaa @william1

@william1: I love my baby girl 😍
@adelinaaa: I love you more baby❤️
@evaamohn: To cute stop ^
@vildeL2: for real ^
@SanaB: fav couple
@Chrisschistad1: take care of my big boy!😭 @adelinaaa
@adelinaaa: Always!😉 @Chrisschistad1

A/N: This was kinda long lol hope you liked it sorry if it's not what you were thinking!

Jealous Much?//Chris Part 2 will be up soon guys! Keep sending request love doing them :)

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