Jealous Much?//Chris Part 2

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Requested- DestinyRodrigo

It's been 2 weeks since me and Chris have broken up, I'm not going to lie I've been a wreck

I miss him so much he's my everything

He probably doesn't even miss me.. After all I'm just some slut to him

I hate feeling this way I miss him holding me in his arms and feeling his hair brush against my neck when we would cuddle in his or my bed at night

Great now I'm crying AGAIN

"DING DONG" I hear the doorbell go off

I slowly get out of my cave a.k.a my room filled with a bunch of junk food and blankets

I most likely look like trash, I haven't showered in like 2 days I mean at least I brushed my teeth

I run down the stairs quickly as the doorbell keeps going off

I open the door to see a very tired looking Chris

It hurt to see him in such rough shape I just wanted to pull him into a long hug and tell him it was all okay

"Destiny I know you hate me but please just listen"

Chris says as he looks into my bright green eyes

"Okay" I choke out Chris takes a deep breathe and then continues

"Destiny you are the absolute best thing that's ever happened to me, the fact that I hurt you pains me everyday all I want in this world is for you to be happy and for me to be the reason for your happiness I love you so so much you make me a better person, you make me feel fuzzy indie when you are in my arms I want to be here for you whenever you need me, I'm so sorry I treated you the way I did I was stupid to think you and him were ever more than friends I was wrong to accuse you, and I regret referring to you as a slut I don't see you as a slut Destiny you are so beautiful and nice,caring,loving and I don't know what I did to deserved you I can't live without you, I love you baby girl so much"

Chris smiles with tears in his eyes as he grabs both sides of my head with his hands and lays his forehead against mine

I look up at him as tears run down my face

"Christoffer Schistad you are forgiven" I laugh as he wraps his arms around my waste and spins me around in circles

"I missed you so much" I cry as he sets me down and gives me a big hug

"Shhh please don't cry baby girl Im here now" he whispers in my ear as he rubs circles on my back

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"Shhh please don't cry baby girl Im here now" he whispers in my ear as he rubs circles on my back

"I love you so much" I wipe away my tears and look at his beautiful face

"I love you more" he smiles as he grabs my face and connects our lips slowly

"Now c'mon we have a lot of catching up to do"  Chris seductively whispers in my ear wiggling his eyebrows

God I missed this boy...

A/N: Hope you liked it sorry it took so long for me to get it out here!!! I know some of you have requested imagines and I'm trying to get them done sorry try to be patient :)

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