Theres More To Me//Chris

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As I walk down the halls of school with my friend Eva I notice Chris staring at me as he talks to his friend William

I glare at him as I walk past the Penetrator boys

I hear some of the boys whisper "fat ass" "she's too thicc" "ew tf"

I turn around and walk back up to the group of boys and say "If your going to talk shit say it to my face like a man instead of whispering it behind my back like a lil bitch" I lift my chin up waiting for them to respond

But the 3 irrelevant Penetrator boys stayed silent and looked down

"That's what I thought" I roll my eyes and turn to walk away but as I do I hear clapping

I turn back to see Chris was the one clapping

We locked eyes for a quick moment and as we did he gave me a cheeky wink

I look forward and decide not to acknowledge him and his overwhelming attractiveness

Chris is a big flirt, yes he was hot as hell but the biggest whore I knew

Every time I've gone to a party he's flirt with me

~Next Day~

My start to the day was rough my jeans ripped from me pulling them up from the belt loops

I have the hugest headache, I'm behind in school

And on top of it all my car broke down so I had to ask Sana for a ride

I move my hand to my head to rub my temples in frustration

When I hear a soft voice next to me

"Are you ok?"

It didn't take me long to recognize that it was Chris's voice

We had the same study hall so we both were in the library

I lift my head up and turn to look at him

"Yes I'm fantastic" I smile fakely and continue to type on my laptop

Chris just smiled and shakes his head

"Why are you always so sassy to me love" Chris leans in closer and stares deep into my eyes as he licks his lips

I take a deep breath in and speak

"Because I know the type of guy you are"

Chris furrowed his eyebrows in confusion

"Your the typical cocky fuck boi, your only talking to me because you want something" I tell him as I furrow my eyes slightly

Chris looks down slowly it almost seemed as though I hurt his feelings

"I'm sorry you feel that way love" he says quietly

"Why else would you talk to me" I spoke softly

"Maybe I like talking to you" Chris raises his eyebrows trying to challenge me

"You just trying to get into my friends pants I know your tricks" I roll my eyes

"Oh really? Well what if I'm trying to get into your pants instead" Chris winks

"Your a man whore" I say with no emotion

Chris takes a deep breathe and than looks at me seriously

"There's this party tonight on my Russ Bus" he starts to mention but I cut him off before he could finish

"Are you seriously tying to invite me to a party after everything I just said" I look at him in disbelief

Chris smiles and continues

"Well if you would let me finish my love"

I shake my head but nod for him to continue and "my love" wtf

"I want you to come... bring your friends if you want but I mainly want you there, just try and get to know me better" he offers

He gets closer to my face before looking straight into my eyes

"There's more to me than you think y/n"

I look back into his perfect brown eyes before I take my hand and push his chest so he'd back up

"I'll consider it but don't get your hopes up I'm a very busy women" I say trying to not act phased

Chris smiles wide and put his hands up in defense

A/N: Ok so this is probably not that good I'm sorry!! It's been so long since I've wrote but I'm doing a part 2 cuz this got long I hope you like it so far💛

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2018 ⏰

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