Jealous Much?//Chris

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Requested- DestinyRodrigo

I sat down on the couch with the comfiest blanket I could find in Chris's apartment

While Chris was scrolling threw Netflix trying to find a good series we could watch

"Find anything?" I ask as I snuggle into his side

He smiles as he puts his arm around my shoulders and pulls me even closer to him if that was even possible

"No I haven't and I give up" he huffs and pouts

"My poor baby" I fake frown and squeeze his cheeks as if he's a child

"I think I need cuddles from Destiny" he smiles grabbing me from the loops of my jeans and pulling me on top of him as he hugs my torso

We laid in silence for a few minutes before my phone started ringing in the kitchen

"Chris my phone I gotta get up" I tell him as I try to break away from his tight hold on me

"No you don't you lay here with your boyfriend because you love him very much" he says as he closes his eyes and hugs me tighter

"Indeed I do" I sigh as I run my fingers along his jaw line and stare at him while his eyes are still closed but still hear him hum in response of my actions

"But" I say as I stop caressing his face and his eyes instantly open

"But what?" He says concerned

"I need my phone" I say quickly and peck his lips as I shoot up off the couch into the kitchen

"Ughhh" I hear Chris groan from the living room

I check my phone to see 2 missed calls and 3 texts from my best friend Tyler

Were are you???
Are you busy :(
I really need you right now something has happened....

What's happened?
I'm with Chris right now

I send the text and turn to go back to the living room but am stopped by Chris because he was right there when I turned

"Why does Tyler "need you"?" Chris said as he mocked the text message Tyler had sent

"I don't know he hasn't responded to my text" I say as I walk past Chris into the living room

"Well if he needs you so much Destiny maybe you should go running to his side because I don't matter right?" Chris said folding his arms over his chest looking pissy

"Are you serious right now?" I turn around to look at him I can't believe him

"It's obvious you two have something!" He yells

"He's my best friend Chris! I've never had feelings for him" I yell back getting more frustrated by the minute

"Best friends with benefits!" He argues

"What do I look like to you Chris?! Some slut?" I say as I further my eyebrows together in utter confusion

"Yeah Destiny you do!" He yells

I snapped I could believe the way he was talking to me and I was not going to put up with it I was so hurt and mad

"Fuck you I'm done Chris..." I look up at Chris with tears in my eyes

"No Destiny please I'm sorry I didn't mean that" he pleads I could tell he felt horrible

I grabbed all my things and was heading to the door when Chris ran after me and stood in front of it

"Move out of the way Chris" I say sternly

"I'm sorry okay I got jealous I love you" he looks deep into my green eyes

It took everything I had not to hug him and kiss him all over right then

"Next time don't let your jealousy take over goodbye Chris" I say as tears stream down my face as I push Chris aside and go out the door

And he knew that he had lost everything that made him happy in this world...

A/N: Hi!!! Okay I'm making a part 2 to this because this got quite long, sorry hope that'll be cool and you like it so far lol

More imagines on the way! Im going to start writing imagines I think of as well ;)

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