Makeout Sessions//Chris

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Requested- -bekind

"Stop talking" I shhh Chris as he was about to say something disgusting once again

Noora and William wanted to go for ice cream after school but Noora didn't want to be alone so she invited me and I later find out William brought Chris Schistad the fuckboi of fuckbois I could not stand him

We would constantly tease one another

"Oh ouch Mel hurt my feelings" Chris fake cries

"No no It's Melanie not Mel" I state shaking my head at his attempt to call me by the name my friends do

"Why not I call you that?" Noora asks confused

"Yeah why not Mel?" Chris asked knowing it bothered me as he smirks

"Because Noora here is my friend and you Mr. Schistad are not" I smile proud

"Oh but we are, I like it when you call me that babe" he teases winking at me

"Ew stop" I cringe

Noora and William laugh as me and Chris continue to bicker at each other

But we both settle down when we realize Noora and William had left

"What the?" I wonder

Then me and Chris's phones both go off

New Text Message From: Noora

Noora: Williams having a party tonight please come it'll be fun❤️

I look up from my phone to see a smirking Chris looking me up and down

I glare at him

"You coming to the party?" He asks knowing I'm gonna say yes because I never turn down a good time

I frown knowing I was defeated

"Yes now I shall not see you because your a dick now goodbye" I say fast grabbing my things and going out the doors of the shop

At The Party•

I finally get to Williams after finding the perfect outfit I look around for Noora but find Chris making out with two girls instead

I finally get to Williams after finding the perfect outfit I look around for Noora but find Chris making out with two girls instead

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I still watch as he switches from one girl to another I want to look away but I can't

He turns to kiss the other girl again but catches my stare and smirks

He continues to make out with them as he looks me in the eyes

He then has the two girls kiss each other

Chris looks deep into my eyes as he smirks in between the two girls sucking on each other's faces

I turn away and run out of the party disgusted and disgusted with myself for watching as long as I did

At School The Next Day•

I couldn't sleep last night I kept thinking about what happened last night I looked like such a fool

"Hey! I didn't see you at the party" Noora walks up to my locker

"Uh yeah didn't feel like the party mood sorry next time yeah?" I nod her off

"Yeah of course I've got math next gotta go" she smiles going towards the stairs

I look over and see William and Chris going down the stairs Noora and William smile at each other and William decides to walk Noora to class

Which means Chris was alone walking my way

I quickly grab all my papers and shut my locker

Chris comes up to me and opens his mouth but I just walk past him quickly ignoring whatever he was about to say


Okay I've made it half of the day ignoring Chris 5 times by now he's pissed I'm ignoring him

But I can't talk to him about what happened I don't even fully know what happened

"RING RING!" I hear the bell ring and I get up from my seat and head out the door

I was walking down the hall when someone grabs my arms and pulls me into an abandoned class room


"Why are you ignoring?" He asked angry

"What do you mean?" I ask innocently

"Mel don't start, why were you staring at the party did you like it? Did it make you wet?" He asks getting closer to me smirking

I feel my back hit the wall

"You know what Chris the fuckboi your disgusting!" I fire back

"So I've been told fire ball" Chris smiles poking my nose

"You are cocky and remarkably douchey" I fold my arms

"Oh and what your just a piece of cake at least I don't watch people make out!" Chris scoffs

"I didn't mean to!"

"How can you not mean to stare like that?!" Chris asks

"I don't know okay!" I say in defeat

Chris look in my eyes and I look in his and before I know it our lips are molded together in a rough kiss

I moan into the kiss as I wrap my arms around his neck and his around my waste

I hear Chris grunt as we continue to make out intensely

We break away for air after a few minutes

"Your mine and only mine and I'm yours" Chris whispers as we lay our four heads together

I smile up at him and he smiles back kissing me again but this time more passionate

A/N: hey! I hope you like this sorry it took so long trying to get all your guys requests up❤️

Thank you all for voting and reading my imagines💕 p.s if you just requested something plz be patient I will get it up as soon as I can

Thanks loves

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