But I Love Him//William

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Requested- demigirl99

"Julie shut up!" My brother Chris yells at me

We are currently fighting about me having boys over and how I'm to "young to be dating guys" even though Chris is only a year older, if only he knew me and William his best friend were dating secretly... he just never understands,

"Your so annoying your not the boss of me Chris!" I yell back and storm to my room and slam the door

I lock it before lying on my bed and start to cry

A few minutes go by and I suddenly hear a tap on my window

Fuck it's William

I forgot I told him he could come over later

I slowly make my way over to the window and pull it up so he can come in, I sniffle and look away

Williams smile quickly turns into a frown when he sees my discomfort

"Babe what's wrong?" He rushes over and hugs me

"Chris" I bluntly say as I wrap my arms around his torso

"I know Jules I'm sorry he'll understand eventually I love you so much" he assures me and kisses my lips softly

"I love you too" I smile and kiss his soft lips again

It quickly turns into a heated make out session and I'm soon backed up against my bed

When all of sudden my door knob jiggles for a second and Chris is in the doorframe of my bedroom with a pissed look on his face as he holds a key in his hand

William looks scared as Chris quickly runs over and tackles William onto my bed

"Really William my sister!?" Chris yells as William and him wrestle

"I really love her Chris! Why can't you just realize she's old enough to make her own choices?!" William says as he pushes Chris off the bed and quickly stands

"Chris, I love you so much but I'm not a little girl any more ok? I know you just want to protect me and I appreciate that but I really love him" I say as a tear escapes from my eye

Chris's eyes start to well up with tears

"I'm sorry both of you I just hate that your growing up so fast, I love you two I'm glad your happy sis" Chris smiles and rushes to give me a hug

I hug him back and smile happily I look at William over Chris's shoulder and nod at him to join

Then there was us three joined in a lovely group hug <3

A/N: OMFG IM BACK!!!! I'm so truly sorry it's taken me so long to update I've been so entirely busy! But I'm trying to finish all of the request I got before closing for any new ones and don't worry it's not closed forever I will reopen when I catch up thank you for being patient💓

I hope you liked it sorry if it wasn't the greatest

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