Chapter 1

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Lucas POV.

Six months. It had been six months since Maya ran away. Six months of me watching my phone waiting to see her name appear on the screen, or waiting to hear a knock at the front door. But it never happened. No one had heard from her. The last person who had spoken to her was Josh.

I remember the day after she went missing he ran in to school to find Riley and tell her that she'd ran away. She broke down in tears with Farkle next to her trying to comfort her. Josh soon came to me and told me everything he knew about the situation.

Six months later we were sitting here in Topanga's trying to work  out where she could be. We had become quite good friends over the few months, Riley and I still were t on the best terms but we greeted each other politely whenever we saw each other, k suppose we had a mutual sadness for missing Maya.

J- "I thinks she's moved out of New York"

L- "she couldn't have, its too big to walk out of"

J- "she could have got the train, or a bus. We've searched every place in New York and be haven't found her. She clearly isn't here"

L- "but if she's not in New York we have no chance of finding her"

J- "which gives her more of a reason to move out"

Out of New York. How hadn't we thought of this before? We'd spend six months looking in our area when she could have been travelling all around the US. This was going to be harder than we thought.

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