Chapter 8

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Maya's POV

I told Vanessa about everything that had happened since she'd last spoken to lucas, she seemed quite concerned for me since I traveled across states on my own and how I'd been living off whatever I could.

V- "you really need to get in contact with them, they must be worried sick"

M- "no, thats the problem, they didn't even care that I left, none of them came after me"

V- "how do you know that?"

M- "if they did then I wouldn't be here now"

V- "maybe they just couldn't find you, I mean you travelled all the way to Texas, it's not the easiest place to get to"

I didn't really want Vanessa to be telling me all the things I've done wrong because it was making me regret my decision so I changed the subject to something I knew she'd be interested in.

M- "anyway, do you want to hear a funny story about Zay"

I could tell she liked Zay and I knew Zay liked her back so if I ever saw him again I'd be sure to set the two of them up on a date, I shipped it.

V- "that was such a cute story, I hope to see him again soon but in the meantime where are you going to stay tonight? By the sound of it, your little house thing isn't that near to here"

M- "I never really thought about it"

V- "well you don't have to think, you could come round to my house, my parents will be fine if I say I made a new friend and it's a sleepover"

A sleepover. I hadn't had one for so long but it would be really fun and an actual roof over my head for once so of course I took her up on the offer.

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