Chapter 15

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Lucas's Pov

After spending hours on a train we had finally arrived at my hometown in Texas. Nothing had changed from the last time id visited so Maya must have recognised everything from my descriptions. I saw chubbies in the distance and my heart started beating fast. Maya was in there, everything would be okay.

L- "there it is, theres chubbies, lets go"

We all ran there as fast as we could. I sang open the door to see my blonde beauty talking to Vanessa and her family. I had waited so long for this, to be reunited and finally the moment was here.

I watched as Vanessa pointed to be and Maya cautiously turned around before meeting my eyes.

M- "Lucas"

L- "Maya"

Before I knew it she ran into my arms, holding me tighter than I could have ever imagined. This was more than I could have ever hoped for. No one else mattered at this moment, just me and her.

M- "you searched for me?"

L- "I love you"

M- "I love you too and I'm so so sorry"

L- "it doesn't matter, here is my safe place so here you are safe"

I didn't care what had happened to get us back together, all that mattered is that id found her.

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