Chapter 10

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Maya's POV

We arrived at Vanessa house which was only a short walk away from chubbier. Her house was just like you'd imagine a typical farm house to be, inside all the furniture was wooden and it was very home like and cosy.

Her mom came to see us as soon as we walked through the door, she looked just like an older version of Vanessa since they had the same voluminous hair.

A- "hey Vanessa, oh I see you've brought someone new home. I'm Aimee, Vanessas mom, what's your name sweetie?"

M- "hi, I'm Maya"

V- "mom, she's friends with zay and Lucas, do you remember them"

A- "of course I do, you and Leanne always fought over Zay and Lucas was the one who rode the sheep"

Aimee went off to make us some food for later after Vanessa explained to her mom that I wanted to sleepover at theirs for a while. We didn't explain my situation, just said that it would be helpful.

M- "who's Leanne? I've heard her name before i think"

V- "she's my best friend, we liked the same guy and I couldn't pick"

M- "Oh I've never heard of that before"

V- "yeah but it doesn't matter anymore since he moved away"

After talking for a while about Zay, we went upstairs to find me some clothes to wear and to get a bed sorted for me to sleep on. It was much more comfortable here than at my shed, I couldn't believe how kind her family was to let me stay here.

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