Chapter 14

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Mayas PoV

After my runs got dressed up and I went out with Vanessas family to Chubbies. The place was packed full of people, most of them looks vaguely familiar to me but by this point I was convinced that my head was making things up.

Vanessa left me alone with her family to go and talk to that boy she told me about earlier, he was cute cute but nothing compared to Lucas. I tried to make small talk until I felt a tap on my back.

I turned to see a man in his late fifties or early sixties. I think I recognised him from the farm earlier. The man that I thought had called my name even though I ignored him.

M- "hello, do I know you?"

PJ- "it depends, are you Maya hart?"

M- "yes, who are you?"

PJ- "oh I'm sorry for not introducing myself. Im pappy Joe"

This was Lucas' grandfather that he always talked about, the one who owned a farm. It ll kind made sense why I recognised everyone now.

M- "I've heard so much about you"

PJ- "and I've heard so much about you. What would you say to me if I told you that I rang Lukey and told him that I thought you were here?"

He rang Lucas. Lucas knows where I am. I've wanted this for so long.

M- "id thank you so much"

PJ- "well good because I have and he's on his way"

Lucas is on his way across the country to see me. His family recognised me and wanted to help me out. I had such a rush of emotions flooding my mind. Id barely thought of this all day and all of a sudden he's on his way. I didn't  know what to say.

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