Chapter 12

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Mayas POV

I had stayed in Vanessa's house for almost a week and it had been so nice to spend time with a family. Her mom was so lovely and she cooked the best meals but tonight we where going for dinner at Chubbies to see some of their family friends.

V- "Maya, do you want to wear one of my dresses to the meal"

M- "a dress? But its just Chubbies"

V- "I know but a guy I like is there and I don't want to look over dressed"

M- "okay, I'll wear a dress"

Vanessa went to her wardrobe to sort out the clothes we were going to wear whilst I sat on the bed thinking about how much I missed home. Whenever I wasn't doing anything my mind would wander back to New York, I had to go outside and distract myself.

M- "would you mind if I went on a quick jog, I need to clear my mind"

V- "sure, just be back in half an hour so we can get ready together"

I was in leggings and a t-shirt so I decided not to change, I told Aimee where I was going and set off out of the house.

I soon reached a farm that looked vaguely familiar so I jogged past it. As I passed it I was sure I heard someone shout my name, I turned to see a man in his early sixties looking after horses. He reminded me a lot of Lucas but I knew that my mind was just trying to confuse me so I ran back to Vanessas house.

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