Chapter 5

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Lucas's PoV

I decided that it would be best if I was the one who texted Riley, so that she knew it wasn't just josh inviting her and that I was okay with her coming.

Things were still definitively awkward between us, I don't know why she took the news that I'd been expelled in Texas so badly, it wasn't like I was a murderer. She always wanted me to be Mr Perfect but I want perfect, Maya accepted that.

L🐴- hey, were thinking of going to find Maya , would you like to come with josh and I?
R🐰- Really? You want me to come
L🐴- if you'd like to
R🐰-Sure I'd love to come. Where are we going to look for her
L🐴- Pensilvania
R🐰- Pensilvania? Can I invite Farkle?
L🐴- yeah sure. We will pick you up from your house to tomorrow at 11am
R🐰- k, see you then

I was looking forward to be going on a trip, I hadn't left New York since I'd moved here so it was quite exciting. I still wasn't to happy about Riley coming with us as well but I could deal with it, she'd be with Farkle most of the time anyway. I was surprised they weren't dating since they spent so much time together.

After packing my bag for the trip I decided to make an organised list of the place she could be. I research the state and where most people go and wrote down every place that was suggested. I also searched some of the more obscure places just in case she was hiding from us.

To be honest I didn't think that she was hiding, she was just trying to get away and have a change of scenery. Hiding would mean that she would have been scared and scared isn't a word that comes in Maya Harts vocabulary.

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