Chapter 4

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Maya's POV

I hadn't really travelled far from my shed over the past few days. I hadn't needed to get anything since I bought enough food to last a week the other day and there was a tap for water not too far away. But it was starting to get quite boring in a small space with nothing to do and no one to see.

Times like this made me wonder why I'd ran away. Sometimes I wish I hadn't but it was too late to go back now. I was here until someone found me. Today happened to be that day.

I decided to go out and walk a bit further than the local area since there wasn't really much there apart from a food shop and a bank. I didn't know where I was going but I didn't care. I was lost anyway, it wasn't like I could become more lost.

After a while I came across somewhere that I recognised. I wasn't too sure where it was but I knew I'd seen it before. Maybe Lucas had shown me pictures of it before or he'd told me about it, he did love to talk about Texas and what a great place it was.

'Chubbies, great food and great music' the sign said. I was hungry and hadn't heard music for a while so I decided to go and check it out. Maybe I'd meet people or find a better place to stay.

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