1= The Beginning

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Katie's POV

First sleepover with Annie and Liv. I'm kind of excited, but I have a bad feeling about this. I knew sleepovers were fun, yeah, but I sense that there will be fights.

"Annieee!" I exclaimed, trying not to be noisy. "Katieee!" She replied with a laugh. "Come in!" She opened the door wider. "Liv's downstairs in the basement." She smiled. I nodded.

Of course I didn't know where the basement is.

"Annie, do you know how this thing works?" a boy asked, probably a year older and Annie's brother.

I didn't know she had a brother, all I knew she has Hayley. Maybe she forgets to mention him?

"Oh, your friend is here. Hi!" He smiled and waved. He was goofy and cheerful, I could tell. "HIIII!" I smiled and waved back. Then we all burst into laughter.

"Oh Caleb, can you show her where the basement is?" Annie asked. "Sure." He grinned and led the way. Finally, he has a name. I followed and Liv was already there.

I kind of have a suspicion about Liv. She's acting, weird. "Hi Katie." she rolls her eyes. Told you, weird.

She's not like that when we're at the gym.

"Hi!" I smiled sweetly and brushed the thought about her away. I didn't want to be a bad friend.

"Ew." I heard her whisper. Still, I brushed it off.

"Hey, come here." Caleb called. But, why though?

"Okay?" I said with a confused look on my face. I placed my things on a corner, and went where he was, which was in the other corner of the basement. "Yeah?" I asked.

"Nothing." He chuckled. Oh Caleb. "But you're cute though." He smiled and pinched my cheeks. I smiled and blushed slightly. "You're kidding." I messed up his hair. But it didn't even change.

"What's your name?" he asked. "I'm Katie." I smiled. "Well you already know my name but I'm Caleb." He let out a grin.
We continued to talk as we wanted to know each other better, until he got an idea.
"Whoops," He said and poked my side. And that's where my tickle spot is. "Nooo, stoooop!" I laughed. He kept on doing it, while I kept on jumping and giggling.  Liv just left the basement, stomping her feet.

"Dinner's ready!" Annie yelled as she went downstairs. "Oh, lovebirds, Dinner's ready!" Then she immediately ran upstairs.

"Hey, we're not lovebirds!" I exclaimed and went upstairs. He followed as I can hear footsteps following me.

We sat next to each other and ate. Liv was glaring at me the whole time. Maybe she fancied Caleb?

"Katie, let's go outside." Liv said after we ate. "Sure, I guess."

So we did, and then she slapped me hard. I started to tear up, "Wh-What was that for?" I stuttered. "Don't you ever go near Caleb again. He's mine." She said and walked away. He's 13 and we're 12, and we are too young to date. Jeez.

I went back inside, pretending that I'm really sleepy and I just yawned. I sat down on the couch down the basement and thought of things.

"Katieeee!" Caleb sat beside me. "Yeaaaah?" I replied trying to remove the lump in my throat. "Have you been crying?" His joyful expression turned into a worried one.

"Uh, nope!" I fake smiled. He didn't buy it, of course, but he didn't want to ask more questions.

That's me. When somebody asks why I'm crying, I would cry even harder. I'm just a very emotional person.

We only met today, but how come he knows that I'll cry when somebody asks why? Maybe he knows what it feels like?

"Your hair though. 10 out of 10." He said which made me smile. A real smile.

He started to play with it, and I didn't mind. Then it repeated all in my head. I sniffled and he looked at me. "You alright?" He asked. I nodded.

Then he continued to play with it. "Katie-- why is your cheek red?" Annie asked as she entered the basement.

"O-Oh, I-I--" And then I was interrupted by Caleb. "She's just sleepy."

"Yeah." I said under my breath.

I looked at the clock. 9:10 pm. It's too early. "How bout we watch a movie?" I suggested. They agreed, even Liv who was continously glaring at me, and then we voted on what to watch.

We ended up with Titanic. Oh jeez, I'll bawl my eyes out.

And I did. As I said, I'm very emotional. But half of it was about the movie, and half of it, I just wanted all of the pain to come out.

"Tissue?" Caleb offered a box full of tissues, and I took it gratefully. "Thanks." I mumbled and continued to watch.

"Okay, who got the most red and puffy eyes?" Caleb asked, laughing. He looked around. Liv didn't cry because her heart is made of stone (Sorry.), Annie did cry a little, but her eyes weren't red. Oh shooooooot.

"I knew it was Katie." Annie chuckled and Caleb hugged me. Once he broke it, he placed his arm on my shoulder.

Liv was still glaring at me. Flames were probably in her eyes.

"Oh jeez, it's 12:30 am. Guess we should sleep." Annie announced and we got ready for bed. We slept at the basement, while Caleb was in his room. They soon drifted to sleep, but I was still wide awake.

I went upstairs and grabbed a glass of water.

"Katie?" Someone asked in a whisper. I looked behind me and it was Caleb. Why is he still awake?

"Why are you still awake?" We said in unison. "You first." He said. "Overthinking. That's why I have large bags under my eyes." I replied. "Oh. Don't overthink that muchhh!" He squeezed my cheeks. "Why are you awake?" I asked, passing the question to him. "I don't know, thinking of someone." He smiled. "Ohhh, Sydney!" I squealed.

But there's a part of me saying, 'No. It should be me.'

"Katieee?" He messed up my hair, which looks like a bird's nest. "Oh, sorry." I blushed because of Embarassment. Oh dear.

"What happened outside, with Liv?" He asked. "Oh, she just asked for a favor, that's all." I lied.

"Okay. Go back to sleep." He grinned and carried me downstairs. "Hey, I don't need to be carried!" I exclaimed but whispering. "Well I want to carry you." He chuckled. He dropped me to the floor. "Ouch, why'd you do that?" I said in a British accent. "Nothing." he smiled mischievously and chuckled at my poorly executed british accent.

"Goodnight." He mumbled and started to walk upstairs. "G'night." I smiled and closed my eyes.

And I didn't know that was the start of our friendship.

Hey guys! You're asking, why tf did i wrote another story? Well I wanted to give you guys something for Christmas, and here it is. It's a short story, ik. But I thank the 3000+ words I was going to write on the one shot stories. Have a merry Christmas and a happy new year😘

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