3= Truth or Dare?

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Katie's PoV

Before I know it, we were outside the door.

"Katieeee!" Annie yelled. "Annieeeee!" I yelled back. We both laughed, because we were like 12 year olds.

Annie hugs me first, then Ryan, then Brennan.

Caleb and I know that they fancy each other. It was obvious, they deny the fact that they like each other with a smile.

"Ahem, Ahem." I coughed, and then thry broke the hug. Glares were received by them.

Caleb did the same, But he didn't notice me. "Not even a single hug or a high five, well that's good." I mumbled.

"Well, I ain't giving you hugs today." He chuckled. I was upset, of course.

I pouted.

"I'm kidding, jeez!" He hugged me tight. The feeling of butterflies suddenly occured. Sure, I know that weird feeling in your stomach, but this time it's very, very strong.

He broke the hug and messed up my hair. "Again?" I whined while fixing it back. "Yeah." He grinned. And then he pinched my cheek. He has a mood right now.

Maybe, maybe he's happy that I said I love you back? Well, I was smiling the whole time going here because of that, too. Weird, I guess.

The feeling of butterflies in my stomach just stayed there.

Oh, I get the feeling. I FANCY Caleb now.

I wanted to tell him, but I know it will ruin our friendship. And I didn't want to ruin it. We've had reached so far.

I went down the basement and placed my backpack beside the mattress that we're going to sleep at. "Liv!" Annie said with a different tone. Oh gosh, the apocalypse will be done right here.

We ate dinner, and then we decided to watch a movie. Not Titanic though, I'll bawl my eyes out again.

Well of course, they picked a horror one.

We got set up, and I was beside Caleb. I felt safe, to be honest now that I'm beside him.

The first jumpscare got me. I jumped, trying not to scream, and closed my eyes. Caleb looked at me and smiled. He placed his arm on my shoulder and pulled me closer to him. I looked at Liv, and she was really angry right now. I brushed it away and scooted near Caleb again.

And I  thought Caleb and I were best friends. It was more than that, as it seems.

Once the movie ended, Mrs. Katie turned the light on and filmed us.
"Hey guys!" She greeted sweetly.

"Guess Katie got scared at the movie that Caleb had to 'protect' her." She chuckled. I blushed deep red as everyone looked at us. "Okaaay, I was just checking on you guys. Enjoy the sleepover!" and then she left.

"AHEM, AHEM." Brennan fake coughed. I knew what that meant. "Oh." Caleb removed his arm and blushed secretly. But i didn't scoot away from him, though.

"Let's play truth or dare." Annie suggested. They all agreed. And I was nervous.

Everytime I hear Truth or Dare, some events that I imagine would pop out, making me scared of playing. But, it's just for fun, no one will kill you, right? "Guys, Ryan and I will be at my room, chatting." Hayley said, standing up. Ryan stood up too and followed her.

After that, we all round up in a circle. "I'll go first," Annie searched the room. "KATIE!" oh dear. "Truth or dare?" She asked with one brow up.

"Truth," I said nervously. "Who's the boy of your dreams?" she smirked. "Well..." I took a deep breath. "I'm not telling you guys exactly, but I'm going to give you a few hints." I started.

"He's handsome, he's cute, Funny, bubbly, Goofy, and would do anything for a smile. His name starts with the letter L."

Annie and Brennan let out a sigh. What?

Letter L? No, it isn't Luke. It's Caleb, Caleb Logan.

"Oh, Luke?" Caleb looked at me with sadness in his eyes. "Maybe." I shrugged my shoulders.

"I ship Katleb instead of Latie, though." Brennan mumbled. Liv glared at him. It was obvious that she wanted Caliv to happen.

"Caleb, Truth or dare?" I asked next.
"Dare." He still has a sad expression.
"I dare you to sit beside the person you like." I smiled, but then it quickly faded away.

I regretted it. I regretted giving him the dare. I was already breaking down to pieces. "I'm already beside her."
"Well, you're beside me and Liv, so we don't know which one." I added.

"Oh, right." He stood up and sat down on Liv's Left side. Her face lit up, while Caleb still doesn't have an expression.

Again, Brennan and Annie let out a huge sigh and then they looked into each other's eyes.

"Abort mission," Annie whispered to him that everyone except Brennan couldn't hear.

"No, there's still time, we'll wait."

"Annie, truth or dare?" Caleb asked, trying to convince them that he's still bubbly. "Dare." She fake smiled. "I dare you to sit next to Brennan and hold hands with him."

And then she's sweating. She followed the instruction given to her, while she was blushing.

"Okay, it's my turn, again." Annie fake chuckled. "Liv, truth or dare?" "Truth." she smirked. "Brennan or Caleb?" She asked with a little smile.

"Caleb." She looked down. I guess she can have him then.

"Back to Katie. Truth or Dare?"
"Dare." I said weakly.
"I dare you to stay away from Caleb." She said with an evil smirk.

"No." I said stubbornly. "Well, you chose dare." that freaking smirk, she looks like a walrus. "No. I won't stay away from Caleb." I replied with anger in my eyes. I tried to hide it, though.

"Hey kids!" Mrs. Katie barged in, again. "Oh, looks like we're playing truth or dare!" She smiled sweetly. Caleb and I smiled, but it was obvious that it's fake.

"Why is Katie looking sad? Oh and also Caleb?" She asked worriedly.
"It's uh, nothing." Annie jumped in.

"I'll leave you guys here for real, okay? Goodnight!" then she left.

"I'll go find my necklace. I lost it." I said, standing up, and running upstairs.

I went to their backyard and walked around for a bit, then sat down.

I looked at the stars. It was a beautiful, cloudless night.

I looked around.

The beautiful memories of me and Caleb popped out of my head. I started to get butterflies again.

I really fancied him. I knew I see him as a crush and not a brother.

And I was grateful for that one sleepover when I met him. Even if it was probably the worst, It was still one of my best.

Good thing I don't talk to myself. That would be awkward when someone's with me right now.

I heard the back door open.

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