2= Liv

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Katie's PoV

4 years later, and us 3 were still the best of friends.

"ANNIE!" Liv yelled and hugged her. "Oh, Katie!" She smiled and gave me a hug. She looks like she's disgusted of me.

And yeah, ever since that sleepover, she's been like that to me.
And Caleb's one of my best friends now.

But, of course, when a girl has a boy best friend, one of us can't help but fall in love.

And that is our situation, i guess.

"Sleepover, tonight?" Annie asked. I grinned. "Yes!"

"Oh, bring Brennan and Ry-Guy, alright?" She smiled and her cheeks went to red.

"Alright." I smiled.

Liv left us, probably annoyed. "Have you noticed something about Liv, lately?" Annie whispered. I nodded.

I haven't told anyone about that incident when we were 12.

"Hey, Annie, can I tell you something?" I asked. "Alright." She grinned. I dragged her to a corner where no one was, and took a deep breath.

"Liv slapped me."

Her eyes went wide. "What?" Was all she let out. "4 years ago." "Why didn't you tell me about this?" She said with worry. "I didn't want to be a bad friend. I didn't want her image to be ruined." I whispered.

"Why did she slap you?"
"Well, it was our first sleepover and Caleb was messing around with me and stuff. She asked if we could talk outside, and I agreed. She slapped me really hard and said to stay away from Caleb. She probably fancies him. That's why my cheek was red." I explained, and she was in shock.

"Let's look at her movements." She whispered and dragged me back.

She wasn't with us, like she usually does. She was with Sydney. "Did you know, Annie and Katie are brats. They never involve me in what they are doing." Liv whispered in Sydney's ear, but it was clear to us. Sydney seems surprised.

"Oh that girl." Annie whispered to me. She was spreading rumors and lies about us all the time!

We kept monitoring her moves until we had to practice. But I didn't stop watching her.

And then I saw her put some oil on the beam. Annie saw it, too.

"Don't stand on th--" but the next gymnast stood on it. She started her routine and slipped.

She got a bloody nose from falling. Face first. That Liv, she'll pay for this.

"Okay, who put on oil on the beam?" Coach Mary asked. I raised my hand and pointed to Liv. "It was her, Coach Mary." "Liv?" She said with anger. "No, it wasn't me! She's lying!" She replied with a full innocent face. "No she's not!" Annie stepped forward. "We saw her, with our own eyes." Annie said calmly, but she wanted to scream at her face.

"Oh, and Coach Mary, she's telling rumors and lies about Annie and Katie." Sydney stepped forward also.

"Is this true, Olivia Jane?"

"Yes." She replied with flames in her eyes. She's glaring at me.

"Okay, you're going to have a punishment. I don't want dramas in my gym." Coach Mary announced. She dismissed us.

We decided to keep this a secret. We didn't want to tell our parents.

But jeez, this was a bad Idea. A really, really bad Idea.

I got home and asked my mother if I could sleepover at Annie's, with Brennan and Ryan. Thankfully she said yes.

I packed 3 shirts, 3 shorts, a pants, and all those. It was how I pack for sleepovers.

BFF Ans❤ is Calling...

I picked it up.

"Uhm, we might have a problem..." Annie started the conversation.
"What?" I asked.
"Mom also invited Liv..." And then I knew this was going to be as bad as the first sleepover 4 years ago.
"We'll get through this." I mumbled.

"Who's that?" I heard.
"Your love." Annie replied.
"Shut up. Oh tell her I said hi." It was Caleb.

"HIIIIIIIII!" I yelled through the phone.
"MY EARDRUMS, KATIE!" Annie yelled back. Caleb was laughing in the background.

"Why'd you put it on speaker?"
"So you can hear your girlfriend's voice!"
"What?" I asked confused.
"Shut up, Annie! Maybe you just LOVE Brennan that's why you're excited!"
"NO I DON'T! HE'S NOT MY BOYFRIEND!" Annie yelled.
"Caleb didn't even say Boyfriend, Annie." I said through the line.
"Oh I forgot that you're here." She mumbled.
"BYEEEE!" I yelled once more.
"BYE, LOVE YOU MWA MWA!"Caleb yelled back while laughing.
"LOVE YOU TOO!" I laughed and hanged up the phone.

My cheeks went to red. Oh jeez, I was the one falling for him.

I dressed up in a crop top and shorts. I wore a jacket, because it was FREEZING outside.

We got into the car and drove to the LeBlanc's.

I thought it was the greatest night, ever. I guess I was wrong.

Because the unexpected happens.

Oh my god 2 chapters in a day whooooot

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