6= How she's been doing and Realization

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Katie's PoV

I'm a mess. A real, human mess.
My eyes never stopped producing tears, and I have large bags under my eyes. Red and puffy eyes, yes.

I thought I would move on. I thought I would MOVE on from Caleb. I thought I would move on from that horrible sleepover. Well of course I wouldn't.

"Oh, dear, Katie!" Annie barged into my room. "You're a mess!" She exclaimed and pulled me into a hug. "Let's get you fixed up." She said and started to pick out some clothes.

"Where are we going?"I asked. "Mall."She replied. "I don't want to, Annie. I appreciate it, but I want to stay here."

She looked at me with sadness in her eyes. "Well, alright. But let's atleast get you fixed up." She grabbed a nice pair of clothes.

I took a bath and wore the clothes. It was only a shorts and a shirt, nothing special. Then she fixed my hair and placed it in a ponytail. Just like the typical, old me. Before that night.

"There." She smiled. She had to leave, and I was relieved. I wanted to be alone in this dark world.

Until I had an idea. It was used by people who wanted pain. Well of course, cutting.

I started to place the knife on my thin skin and pulled it backwards. Blood was dripping down the floor. I like it, the pain, the smell of blood, the bloody knife.

I rinsed off the floor and washed my wrist so it wouldn't be obvious that I did that.

I laid back on the bed and cried, again. I never left my room. If I would be outside they'll ask questions and shit.

I still didn't want to go to Gym. I didn't want to be social. I didn't want to see Caleb.

"Katie? Want to eat?" Brennan asked, opening the door. I shook my head no. I wasn't hungry, at all. "Just give me water." I weakly said. He nodded and closed the door gently.

He came back with a glass of water. He entered the room and sat beside me. I drank it and said thanks.

"I want to spill something out." I mumbled. "Okay." He rubbed my back.

"To start, remember the game? Remember the question that Annie asked? It was Caleb who I liked." I said with full strength. "Why did you say it starts with the letter 'L', though?" "L for Logan." "Oh, that makes sense now." He showed a small smile. "You can tell your love but don't tell him."

"Okay, I'll leave." Brennan stood up and walked out the door.

I started to play a music. And the first song that played made me in tears again.

Goodbye, my almost lover
Goodbye, my hopeless dream
I'm trying not to think about you
Can't you just let me be?
So long, my luckless romance
My back is turned on you
I should've known you'd bring me heartache
Almost lovers always do

Why does life suck, to be honest?

Guess I have to move on from that night.

But of course it's hard.

Caleb's PoV

Annie hasn't talked to me since that night.

But really, I don't get it. Why do they hate Liv so much?

Annie suddenly bursts into my room.

"LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE!" She yelled. "What did I do?!" I yelled back, but softly. "YOU MADE KATIE A MESS!"

I sighed and looked down.

"Liv was the liar! She told rumors and lies about us, and even injured a gymnast! Not the other way round!" She finally calmed down, but still was half yelling.


And now I get it. "Shit." I mumbled under my breath.

"Yeah, you better talk to her and apologize or else." She said with seriousness.

"She's going to gym, right?" I asked with a worried face.

"She hasn't went to gym for the last 2 weeks, but she texted me that she'll go tomorrow. Now hurry up and make a freaking move." She left my room.

Oh no, oh no. I've created a huge mess between us.

I'm in a big trouble when some adult knows this.

"MOOOM?" I yelled and went downstairs. "Can you make an excuse and call my coach? I don't feel like going to Baseball tomorrow." I begged, since I had the chance to talk to her tomorrow.

"Why?" "I feel kind of sick, but it's only a cough. Can you pleeeeease excuse me for tomorrow?"

"Sure. But you'll watch Annie do gymnastics, okay?" She gave in. "Okay." I replied with a huge smile on my face.

I happily went in my room and laid down on my bed.

I was ready to get her heart and friendship again.

She's the letter E that I was saying.

I like her, too.

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