10.2: "How does one move on?"

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Part II

"Caleb?" I placed my hand on his chest. It was beating irregularly. That's strange.

He isn't breathing, too.

"MRS. KATIE! MR. BILLY!" I yelled, starting to get teary eyed. They rushed downstairs. "What's happening?" They asked, worried. "C-Caleb..." I mumbled, and they looked over at him. Once they realize the problem, they called 911 quickly with no doubt.

I wasn't myself. All of these just escalated. Tears were streaming down my face, but I couldn't process what had happened.

"KATIE! GET IN!" Annie yelled, crying as well. I ran into the car and then we headed to the hospital. We were all crying hard thinking on what will happen to him.

I was hurt, I was in pain. But they're feeling pain the most. It's hard to lose your brother and the one you cared about.

I couldn't stop sobbing. We all couldn't stop crying.

* * *

And there lies Caleb. In that hospital bed with so many histories of pain and crying and happiness, every single emotion was put on that bed.

And I didn't like that. I hated  it.

We all kept on crying, because he's obviously in critical condition.

I won't get to hear his voice again. I won't get to see him again. And I hated it.

I hated everything that I was seeing.

"He'll be okay, he's going to be all right, just believe." Annie rubbed my back after she stopped crying. Brennan was here; he was comforting Annie. And I can't get comforted by him because he's the one we're crying about.

We waited for hours, until the doctor came out after observing his health. He had a very sad look on his face.

And by that moment I knew my world shattered. Like a blink, my everything was gone.

I cried harder. "I'm sorry, but your son has died." The doctor looked down. I FREAKING KNEW IT!

I ran outside of the hospital, not caring who's running after me. "Katie, it's fine!" I heard a voice, which was very similar to Caleb's. I looked around. No one. "I'll protect you!" The voice said again. "Who are you?" I whispered and stuttered. "I'm Caleb, don't you remember?" I can feel his goofiness. "I'll watch and protect you everyday, I promise."

"Okay, I love you." I whispered again, and didn't get a respond back. Instead, I felt him hugging me tight. Tears were still streaming down my face. "I love you very, very much. I'll see you soon." I sniffled. Oh what am I thinking? It's just some sort of imagination.

I went back, and they were still crying, of course. "K-Katie, do you want to see him?" Mrs. Katie asked. I nodded.

I walked inside that ugly room.

I held his cold hand. "Goodbye." Was all I blurted out. "See you in Heaven."

I looked at him for a long time, then I wiped my tears and left the room so others could go in and see Caleb's face one last time.

* * *

His funeral is today. And I'm not happy. I'll see him inside a coffin where we would be in one day, and that sucks.

We were all crying, not of laughter, but of sadness.

You never know when your last day will be.

Many fans wanted to come, but it's just a private thing just for family and friends to share. I hope they understand. "I'm glad you could come, Katie." Annie sat beside me. Liv was there, crying her eye balls out. I should be the one, but tears won't fall anymore. It stopped producing tears because I wasted it all last night.

One by one, we went to see him. Once it was my turn, my legs and my arms were trembling. My boyfriend was in there.

"Hi." I whispered as I saw him, not expecting a response. "You're unfair. You said we'll never leave each other, but you did. I understand, though. You didn't want us to worry when you were sick, and you didn't know that it's your last day here, on earth. Just enjoy life up there, and remember to visit me in my dreams. At least I know that you're okay. I love you, and you'll always be here in my heart. Even if it isn't you who I'll grow old with." I touched his arm, and left.

I was sobbing when they placed him six feet under ground. That means I'll never see him ever again.

I just want to wake up from this horrible and awful nightmare, but no, this is plain reality.

I guess this is what pain feels like.

We went home, and I immediately took a bath. I want to sleep and cry and be miserable today.

But the thing I did is go to their house and look through his room one last time, to smell his scent again.

"Katie." Annie smiled. "Uh, can I go to Caleb's room?" I asked. She nodded and let me in.

I walked in his room, smelling him. It feels like he's here, inside his room, under his bed. But something urged me to look through his drawers and cabinets.

So I did, but putting his things back in its place. I found two notes lying under his secret drawer. I decided to read it even if it takes like ten minutes.

I took a deep breath. Here goes nothing.

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