Chapter 3

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*Chapter dedicated to BelWatson, because her stories inspired me to write tonight! I finished two of them in two days. They are addicting.*

Thankfully she stayed put at the door, but her voice didn't.

"Savanna? Seriously take a hint, he doesn't want you. The only reason he picked you to come up on stage, is because you we're acting like a baby. Crying over the truth. Sucks to suck. Niall, baby, I'm here now. You can drop the pity act now."

My jaw hits the ground. She has been best friends since sixth grade, and she is throwing everything down the toilet over a guy. But not just any guy, this IS Niall Horan we are talking about.

Savanna has always been sorta shy and not very confident in herself, and Alex knows that. I can tell that she is waiting for Niall to get up and join Alex at the door, but her eyes get wide when his expression turns angry.

I was a little surprised that he was getting mad, I guess because Niall always comes across as the bunny hugger type. And then when he began to speak, my shock was through the roof.

"Look, I don't know who you are, but all this stuff that you're saying about me not "wanting" her, you have no idea what you're talking aboout. I don't mean to sound rude, but the way you're acting now, i'm not sure that any guy would come within five miles of you out of pure fear. You and Savanna seemed perfectly okay before the concert. What happened?"

I almost bust out into applause, but I don't think this is an appropriate moment. Alex looks hurt for a moment, but she quickly regains her wicked look.

"I jus-just, I have always been the one that the guys go to. Not Savanna. You have always been my favorite, no offense to you other guys. And I thought that you were just being nice to her because she was upset. And now because of her I can't have the guy of my dreams. She has always said that she didn't want a boyfriend, and now that you talk to her, she's all over you. Again I ask the question, Why would you want her? When you can have me?"

The whole room goes queit, before the curveball of the day comes. Something Savanna said, completely unexpected.

"Alex IS gorgeous. Tall, skinny, gorgeous red hair, perfect facial features.... how am I supposed to compete with that? I'm tall, but it doesn't look good on me. I'm not skinny. Actually, because of cheerleading, I am kinda chunky. Thunder thighs, that's the first thing you notice about me. I have the color brown hair that nobody would want. And my facialy features are not defined. I still haven't lost my slightly chubby cheeks from midde school."

I don't think she meant to say it out loud, but it has been said, and it's to late to take back. Suddenly she finds a stitch in the carpet that has come loose, and begins playing with it with the end of her shoe, blushing the whole time.

Alex smirks over at her before nodding her head.

"See even she admits it. Come on Niall, let's go get something to eat. I'm starving."

Niall shakes his head, before grabbing hold of Savanna's hand, telling Alex no. Alex looks shocked at first before getting a sour look on her face.

"Congratulations Savanna. You let a guy come between our friendship."

Savanna shakes her head, and visibly tightens her grip on Niall's hand.

"No, Alex. YOU let a guy come between our friendship. Bestfriends wouldn't do that. If you wanna be like that, be my guest, but I'm not gonna sit here and take it, and let it ruin my life. It's up to you where it goes form here, but as of right now, you no longer have a bestfriend."

I feel lie this is a more appropriate time for applause, and the other boys join in. She stares Savanna down, waiting for her to back down, but she never does. Alex grunts something to herself before walking out, screaming what sounded like curse words.

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