Chapter 12

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Well guys, this chapter is a bit of a filler, but pay attention when our special guest comes in, because that is a bit of a 'sneak peek' into my next book that I have planned for you all. :) hehe

Let me know what you think :D

xx -S


I stepped out of the shower with pruny skin and a clouded mind. If the paps sell that picture to a tabloid, and Simon sees it, he is going to be ticked off. Majorly. With me and Louis. I might be mad at him, but I still don't want him to get in trouble.

I immediatly dress myself in a pair of nike shorts, and an oversized tshirt- which is Louis' by the way- and quickly traipse over to my laptop.

I flip it open, and type "Louis Tomlinson's girlfriend flicking off camera" inot the google search. It doesn't take 15 seconds for about 50 pictures of my middle finger to show up on my screen.

I bury my face in my hands, and let out a loud groan. I'm not so much upset anumore, just frustrated. Frustrated with myself. Frustrated with Louis. Frustrated with the paps.

I let another groan slip past my lips, and slam my laptop closed loudly.I flop back onto the bed, and cover my face with my hands again.

Simon is going to see that picture, make me go home, kick Louis out of the band.. This isn't going to end well..

I hear the front door to the hotel room open, and not long after, a body is standing in my bedroom doorway. I don't even bother looking up, expecting to see Louis or Kimberly, but I'm surprised when I hear a different voice.

"You know you really don't have to stress about that."

I quickly pop my head up to see one of myclosest friends that I have made while on tour.

"Luke.." I breathe, jumping off of the bed. I throw my arms around his neck, and break into tears again. The sobs rack through my body, and he just lets me cry. He rubs my bac, and occasionally says a few soothing words.

Luke and I met a few weeeks ago while the boys were performing, and they had jsut gotten done with their performance. Of course, at first I freaked out, but in the end, we ended up talking, and realizing that we both had alot more in common than we first had thought.

So, since then, we have been best friends. He has allowed me to vent about Louis to him, and I allow him to tell me about the current girl he has been seeing.

"What happened?" He asks, pulling back to see my face. He wipes the tears away, and looks at me expectantly. I sigh, and decide that I should probably tell someone how I have been feeling recently.

"Well, it's just that I can't deal with all of this, all the constant attention from the paps, and then Louis is being annoying sometimes now, and my parents are getting a divorce, and my writing and.."

Luke cut me off, putting his hand over my mouth.

"Enough! You have got to quit worrying! Most of that isn't your fault, so don't worry about it!" He says, a sense of urgnecy in his voice. I know he cares about me, and when I stress, he worries about me alot.

I nod slightly, and he removes his hand from my face.

"Now, take a deep breath." I do as I'm told. "And your coming with me. The boys have some things to do, and I'm alone, so we are going to have a BFF movie night!" He says with a loud frilly voice.

I giggle slighlty, and he drags me outo of my room towards his room at the end of the hallway. When we exit the room, we bump into someone, not really knowing who it was. I look up, and see an all to familiar pair of blue-green eyes.

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