Chapter 13

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Alright, so I know I just updated last night, but I won't be updating for a while, so I figured that I would give you and update, you know for the one person that is reading.. so yeah! :)

Love you guys!

xx -S


The next morning, I wake up envelped in a fluffy conforter taht smells like Luke. I sigh as the events of last night reenter my memory.

After Luke and I watched about four movies, I passed out down stairs still in the lobby. I slightly remember the swaying feeling of Luke carrying me upstairs, and I do remember him whispering goodnight to me before leaving the room.

I sigh, and swing my legs over the side of the bed. I quitely pad across the room, and walk into the bathroom to freshen up. I wipe the excess makeup from under my eyes that were left from my shower last night, and run a few fingers through my hair.

I silently walk through the door, and find Luke sprawled across the couch in the living room. He is quietly snoring, a small smile playing on his lips. He is probably dreaming of mystery girl, so I decide that I shouldn't bother him.

I walk into the kitchen, and scribble a small note telling him that I am going back to my room, and thanking him for helping me out last night.

I noiselessly slip out of the front door, and walk towards the elevator to go back to my room on the floor below.

Luckily, the elevator was empty, so I rode peacefully. Once it reached my floor, I walked back towards my room at the opposite end of the hallway. I slip my key out of my back pocket, and wait for the little green light to appear.

It takes a few tries, but after a few frustrated groans, the door swings open to a cheery eyed Savanna.

"Well hi there! What has you up so early in the morning? I figured since you and Louis made up last night-" I cut her off before she could finish her sentence, holding my hand in her face.

"Wait, what makes you think I was with Louis last night?" I bark. Her eyes get wide, and she backs up slightly.

"I-I'm sorry... I just assumed.."

"Well, you assumed wrong." I spit, and push past her into the room. I hear her sigh, and follow behind me. I throw myself down onto the bed, and groan, realizing I shouldn't have yellled at her like that. She didn't know.

"Savanna, I'm sorry. It's just between everything that is going on, I haven't had much time for anything else."

She smiles slightly at me from her spot on her bed, and nods her head.

"Yeah, it's alright. I get what kind of stress your under. S'no big deal." She grins at me, and pats the place beside her. "Now, come sit by mama. I have a few things I need to tell you."

I giggle, and hop onto the bed beside her.

"Yeah, I was going to ask you why you were so smiley when I walked in." The grin erups across her face, and she nods.

"Well, Niall is taking me on a date tonight, and I'm super excited. I just wanted to tell somebody, because all of the boys know." I giggle slightly as she speeds over the words.

"I'm happy for you, Savanna. Really, I am." I throw my arms around her shoulders, and pull her into a hug. She giggles again, and hugs me back. I haven't been making enough best freind time for her lately, and I wish I would have.

Right as I'm about to ask her about coming to have a girls day out with me though, A loud thumping noise can be heard from the front door.

Savanna hops up, and bounces out of sight to answer the door for our mystery guest. After she is gone for a few moments, I walk into the other room to see what the hold up is.

When I turn the corner, Louis is standing in the door, a sad look on his feet. I quickly hop behind the door so that they can't see me, and listen to what they are saying.

"I just feel horrible for making her feel so bad. I mean I was a jack ass about the whole situation, and I shouldn't have done that. I just want to apoligize..." He trails off in the end, sounding a bit choked up. I sigh, awaiting Savanna's answer to the poor boy.

"I know you do, but this isn't completely your fault. Don't get me wrong, I love Kimberly to death, but sometimes she is just really stubborn, and doesn't want to listen to anyone but herself. She could have avoided some of this, but some of it has been coming for a while. I mean all relationships have problems.."

I slip around the corner, into full view of both of them. Louis gasps quietly, making me tear up slightly.

"Kimberly.." He breathes out, sounding pitiful. I shake my head, and swipe my hands under my eyes to dry the tears.

"Come on, we can talk somewhere else.."

I grab his wrist, and pull him out of the door behind me. Savanna shuts it as we leave, and for that, I silently thank her.

Once we are safely around the corner, out of ear shot of anyone that would choose to eavesdrop, I drop Louis' wrist, and turn towards him. Before I can say anything though, he begins apoligizing.

"I'm so sorry. I was an asshole yesterday, and I shouldn't have said the things that I said. I want to start over, and pretend that last night never happened.. and I-"

I eventually started to tune him out, thinking of all the things that I could do if I was single. I would be free to write whenever, I wouldn't have to deal with the stupid paps anymore. I could go home with my family, which is really somethinng I should be doing at the moment.I sigh, and stop him.

"Louis, I think we need some time apart. We obviously have been spending to much time together lately, and we just get irritated to easily with each other. I need to go home and sort things out with my family, and you have a tour to focus on. After a few months apart, and we both miss each other, we can work something out.."

Throguh my whole speech, his eyes have gotten proggresively more glassy. The shiny surface is eventually broken when the tears start dripping down his face. He shakes his head, and takes a step towards me.

"Please don't do this, Kimberly. Please, I can change.." He stutters over his words, nearly making me change my mind. But, I know this is for the best, and I have to do it.

"No, Louis. I'm leaving first thing tomorrow morning. I'm sorry.." I whisper, and turn to walk away. I have to make myself keep my gaze forward, because I know if I turn and see the poor boy standing there broken, I will change my mind.

As I walk away from him though, something inside of me snaps, and silently, I let the tears fall. I walk back into the room, letting the bolt click behind me, before collapsing to the floor.

"What did I just do?" I whisper to myself before completley losing it, letting the sobs rack through my body.

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