Chapter 19

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The boys run off stage, ecstatic at the response of the crowd tonight, and nearly tackle me with hugs.

"I'm so happy for you!"

"So glad to have you back!"

"Louis, can I have that candy?"

"You look smashing, love."

I grin as the four boys try to talk over each other, and notice that Louis isn't standing with them.

"Hey, where is Lou-" I stop mid-sentence as I begin to be wheels backwards and squeal. I know exactly who is is, and he chuckles at me.

"Louis, come on now, turn me around so that I can see you!" I giggle, and he turns me around immediately. He bends down to my level, and places a quick kiss on my nose.

"Gah, it's so good to hear you say my name and know me, not the famous Louis Tomlinson that you have been referring to me as for the past few days." He says, sounding more than happy.

I cough slightly ,and rub the back of my neck.

"Umm, about that Louis.. We need to talk.." I trail off, only up be interrupted by nails but ass mouth telling us that we are going to grab a quick bite to eat. I groan, and loom to Louis. "Later" I mouth to him.

He nods nods stiffly, suddenly seeming extremely nervous. I feel bad for bringing this on him but I did what I thought was best, and after a day or two, I realized that I simply couldn't live without him. He completed me.

"Come on, Kimmy." Harry calls, attempting to lift me into the van waiting for us. I groan at his nickname for me, that he knows I hate by the way, and wiggle over to the edge of the seat to make room for Louis.

He casually throws his arms around my shoulder, sending chills through my body. He chuckles as I shudder, and pulls me closer towards him.

The car ride was silent, only interrupted by the occasional sneeze or cough, but I think everybody was just drained from the hex?ix say we have had. I let my head fall down onto Louis' shoulder, and allow my eyes to flutter closed.

"Louis, we need to talk." I say pulling him towards the couch of our hotel room.

"Of course, love, what's going on?" He asks, sounding only a bit concerned. I take a shaky breath, and take his hands in mine.

"You remember how I told you that I didn't remember you, ya know, after the accident?" I aka, barely choking through the words. He nods? Clearly expecting me to continue.

"Well, I actually remembered you and all the boys, I just thought I was doubt what was best for our by lying and saving hat I didn't. Tog just have to believe me when I say that I was only thinking of you." I trail off in the end of my thought as I look up at Louis, only to see him with an angry expression on his face.

"What the hell, Kimberly?! How the fu-" He just continued to scream at me, telling me how stupid I was for doing this. "I should've known not to date a fan. You are all exactly the same.. just attention seeking whores. Get out of my hotel room, this instant." He says, litterally kicking me out of his room. I begin crying, begging him to forgive me.

"Please, Louis, I still love you. I thought what I was doing was the best for the both of us. Please, please, please, don't do this." I try to plead with him, but only to get the door slammed in my face. I immediatly begin sobbing louder, gaining unwanted attention from fellow hotel guest, hotel staff, and a few sick laughs from the maid down the hallway.

I jolted awake, my sweat covered face causing my hair to stick to my forehead. I begin panting, looking around wide eyed, only to find that I'm not still in that hotel hallway. I'm here, with Louis and the boys, on our way to get food.

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