Chapter 14

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After I collapsed inside my room last night, Savanna rushed to my side, helping me to my bed. She left some water by my bed, and told me to call her if I needed her. She retreated to the living room, leaving me alone.

It really wasn't a good idea for her to do that though, because it left me to think of my plan that I'm hoping to put into action tomorrow morning.

I layed in the bed for a while, gathering all of my thoughts before I finally made myself walk into the living room to retrieve my laptop. If I am leaving tomorrow, I have to have a plane ticket. I sat down on the couch, wondering where Savanna had gotten to, but got sidetracked when the airline website finally loaded.

I looked down at the clock, and realized it was only about 5 o'clock.

"Hmm.." It seems later than it actually is.

I browsed for a while, looking for something generally nice but still affordable. I was just about to purchase my ticket, punching in my credit card number, when I heard someone clear their throats.

My head popped up from the computer screen to see an all to familiar brown eyed boy, with his arms folded across his chest.

"Hey, Kimberly... Are you alright?" He asks, concern lacing through his tone.

I sighed, and shook my head no. He knows me, and can tell when I am lying, so there is no since in trying. He sat down on the couch beside me, and wrapped an arm around my shoulder.

"Liam, I just don't know what to do. When I said it to him, it felt right, but the more I think about it.. the worse I feel about the whole thing. Even if I did change my mind, surely he wouldn't take my back now..." I begin to get a bit choked up, but I refuse to let myself cry again. I'm not that pathetic.

"I'm sure he would.. the boy is in pieces right now.. He made it back to his room, but locked the door behind him, so none of us can get in to check on him.."

And all of this is my fault.. I shake my head, and sslam the laptop shut.

"I saw you looking at plane tickets, Kimberly... Where are you going to go?" He asks me, looking directly into my eyes.

I shake my head once again, knowing that I can't tell him. If I tell anyone, they will just chase after me, and convince me to come back with them.

That's the thing thouhg, if someone follows me, I will come back with them without a fight. I don't want to leave, but I know I have to.

I can't continue to make Louis feel so bad for something that was clearly my fault...




When those words left he mouth, I literally felt all the fight inside of me evaporate into thin air. She doesn't care anymore...

The sobs wrench through me like a hurricane against an old rickety building, threatening to tear me apart. I walk into mine and Harry's room, ignoring the hi's, and hello's I was getting from the living room.

From the sound of it, all of the boys were in here, and now all of them were wondering what was wrong with me. I didn't bother telling them though, knowing that I couldn't piece together any words at the moment.

I went into my bedroom, closing and locking the door behind me. I collapsed onto the bed, my face buried in the duvet. A few knocks ring through the room, but I just ignore them, knowing that eventually they will give up and go away.

But they don't, considering fifteen minutes later, they have continued to knock occasionally.

"Louis, we know your in there. Let us in.." Harry begs me from outside my door.

"Come on, please let us in, we just wanna help.." Niall adds on.

"If you don't tell us what happened, I will go to Kimberly and ask her." Liam chimes in.

There is no point in me arguing, so I just stay silent. I hear him sigh, and then his footsteps walk away from me.

I roll over on my back, and stare up at the white ceiling. The afternoons events continue to replay through my head, and I feel the hot tears roll down my cheeks.

What could I have done differently? I mean this had to have been my fault, or else she wouldn't have wanted to leave. I miss her already, and I can't bleieve that she is actually leaving.

It's my fault..

I slide under the covers, and allow myself to slip into unconsciousness.


The next thing I know, I'm being violently shaken, voices yelling loudly. I groan, and attempt to shove the body away, which was a failed attempt by the way.

"Louis, you have to come with me! Right now!" I hear a voice shout to me. I sit up, and rub my eyes, confusion evident on my features.

Savanna is standing in front of me, tear trails staining her face. I start to get a bit frantic, considering I have never seen Savanna cry before.

"What's wrong, Savanna.. What happened?" I ask frantically after a few moments of her continuous sobbing. I'm completely alert at this point, and I immediatly hop out of the bed, pushing past Savanna. If she won't tell me what is happening, I will find someone who will!

I run out of the room, and find all four of the other boys pacing in the hallway. They all abruptly stop what they are doing when they hear me walk up, and turn towards me with sad looks on their faces.

"What's going on guys?" I ask, hoping that one of them will answer my question.

"L-Louis, I'm sorry, I was with her, and then she was gone and-" Liam stumbles over his words, making me even more worried.

"With who? Who were you with Liam?" I grab his shoulders, shaking them back and forth.

Tears brim the edges of his eyes, causing my heart rate to rise traumtatically.

"It's Kimberly... She was in an accident.."

That ought to hold you off for a while, I don't think I'm going to write on this story for a couple of months, kinda tired of it... Sorry guys :(

xx -S

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