Chapter 7

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The rest of the month that I had to wait to see Louis was agony. It seemed more like a year, but I made it... somehow. And here I am. Savanna and I are running late.. as usual, rushing around, trying to get our things packed last minute.

Eventually, we both just zip up our suitcases, and drag them down the stairs. We say a few quick goodbyes, and we are out the door to the airport.

The guys are supposed to have everything figured out, and waiting for us when we get to the airport, and sure enough, there is a man holding a sign with our names on it.

Hm, that's odd. They normally do that when you land, not when you get there.. I shake my head, and we both walk towards him.

"Hi, Niall and Louis said that you girls were very special. We have a jet waiting for you. Right this way."

My jaw hits the floor, and I am quick to call Louis.

Louis: Hello love. What's up?

Me: What's up is that you have me and Savanna on a private jet to New York. That's what's up.

I hear him chuckle on the end of the phone, and he calls Niall into the room.

Louis: Put your phone on speaker, and make sure Savanna is near you.

I pull the phone away from my ear, and press the button for speaker. I call Savanna over to me, and tell Lou to go ahead.

Louis: Alright girls, we have some surprises planned, but you can't be together. Once you get on the jet, you will go into two seperate rooms and stay there until the end of the flight. Once you get off the flight, you will both split off and go to seperate locations. Now make sure you stay in the seperate rooms, alright?

Savanna and I both groan, and nod. Well, we nod until we realize that they cannot see us. Sighing, I respond to Louis.

Me: I guess so. But I will be texting her. Or sliding notes under the door or something.

I hear them both chuckle, and Louis agrees. We say our goodbyes, and get onto the plane. It's just Savanna and I, and it's gorgeous. As Louis said, they seperated us into different rooms, and I can clearly see why now.

The room is filled with all of my favorite things. Several bags of my favorite chips, sweets, and random snacking items. There is pictures everywhere of different spots in New York, with brochures surrounding them. And then there is a blanket on the couch with a note attatched to it.


So, I heard from a little birdie that you hate flying, so I wanted to make it as comfortable for you as possible. I'm sure you have already seen the pile of sweets, and the many different locations around the busy city of New York, but this blanket is what I really want you to have. Before I was in One Direction I had never really flown on a plane before, and I was terrified when I had to. My mum gave me a blanket, and told me to wrap up in it, and stay like that until we landed adn I would be fine. I made it through the flight, and I was perfectly okay, and now I don't fly without that blanket. So here is your very own flight blanket. Savanna picked it out for you, and said you would love it. I had your name put on it also. So now I want you to sit down on this couch, turn on the tv, and relax. I am anxiously awaiting your arrival here in New York, so text me right when you land.

Sincerely yours,

Louis :)

I can't help but grin at the cuteness of the note. I follow Louis' directions for me, so I plop down on the couch, snuggle up under the blanket, and find a good movie on the airline selection.


I was munching away on a bag of chips when I heard the pilot say that we had landed. The flight was actually quite relaxing. I ate some of the junk food, and watched a couple of movies, all while nearly jumping out of my skin with excitement since I get to see Louis in merely hours.

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