Chapter 8

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When we left the restraunt, Louis and I decided that it would be nice to walk back to the hotel, considering it was only a few blocks down the road.

So, here we are, walking hand in hand towards our temporary dwelling place. It's a nice night, not to hot, as the wind is slightly blowing around us. It is about 11:00, and the New York traffic is still buzzing around us, which is a big change for me, considering my small town goes to bed about nine.

"Louis, can we sit for a minute?" I ask, wanting to take in every aspect of the big city. He nods, and we find a bench to rest. I watch from a distance as the busy traffic buzzes past us. I love it.

A sigh escapes my lips, and Louis looks over to me for an explanantion.

"I have lived in a small town all of my life, but I wouldn't mind living in a big city like this.." Another sigh, and I pull Louis off of the bench. I don't need to fantasize about anything like that for a few years. I still have all of senior year, and then I'm going to college, but I still haven't decided which one.

"Well, I practically live in London now because of the recordings, and signings, and what not, and I love it. Doncaster was nothing compared to it. As you said, I love my small town, but I love the city just as equally."

We begin walking through the cool night air once again, while I fantasize about the life that I could have in the big city. We reach the hotel, and it seems that no one is here, except Harry.

"What's going on, mate? Where is everyone else?" Louis asks, curiosity lacing through his tone. Harry looks bummed, and we all walk towards the couch.

"Well, Liam and Zayn went to the pub, and then Niall and Savanna went on their date. I would normally go with Liam and Zayn, but the last time I came back with such a bad hangover..." He shudders, shaking his head to shake the memory.

Louis chuckles slighlty, and nods his head. Now, being the good girl that I am, I have never really drank in my life, minus the few sips of champagne I had at my cousins wedding last year. I don't bother to mention this to the boys though, out of fear that they might think of me as a little girl.

Harry flips to a random channel, and an old movie that used to be one of my favorites.

"Dumbo! Harry, leave it here! He was my favorite when I was little!" I clap my hands like that two year that I am, and the boys chuckle. I had a very nice childhood filled with Disney, Pixar, and lots and lots of books. I grin, and lean into Louis' side.

"You're such a child sometimes." Harry nods in dissaproval with a small smirk playing on his lips. I stick my tongue out at him.

"Well, now she is my silly, little girl." Louis grins triumphantly, and Harry's face breaks into a smile. I gasp, and look at the two boys.

"Harold Edward Styles, did you know he was going to ask me tonight?" I place my hand over my chest in fane shock, and a small smile spreads across his face, revealing his little dimples.

"Honestly, I thought we were closer than that."

I turn away from him, but soon, a mop of curly hair invades my personal space. I giggle as he wraps his arms around my waist to give me a hug. I turn around quickly, and give him a hug.

"Oi! Hands off! She is mine now!" Louis bellows from the other side of the room. Harry smirks, before placing a big kiss on my cheek.

"OI!" Louis runs towards us, scooping me into his arms, bridal style. I giggle, and wave at Harry over Louis' shoulder. He waves back, and walks back to his seat on the couch.

"Alright, Louis. Harry isn't chasing me anymore. You can put me down now." I pat him on the head. He chuckles lowly, and continues walking.

"Louis, come on now, put me down!" Another laugh before he shakes his head.

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