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AN: Wattpad's being annoying and won't let me update cast listing. But that's fine because I've outlined the main characters and it's better if you invent the other characters in your head. That's kinda why I've left them fairly ambiguous. So make up the looks for all the characters. As it is, casting is only my opinion so you can change it or not even have one if you want. Totally up to you. Sorry that my AN's are so long and ranty... but that's just me. ANQ: What part of the story do you like best so far? Let me know if it's too slow or too fast. Just to clarify - it's been about 4 days in the story timeline and I will put little markers when a long time has passed. Cause if I went day by day, it would be waay too long and boring. But if I skip too far ahead, it would seem too rushed and the relationships would be too insubstantial. So let me know in the comments what your fave part (s) is/are and if the pacing is ok. :D


"So Adrian" she asked at breakfast, "you were telling me about your family?"

"Yeah, the King and Queen of Beaumaris"

"And your brother?"

"Older. His name's Christian"

"And he is different from you?"

"Well yeah, he got the blond hair and blue eyes, I got brown hair and brown eyes"

"So you weren't always this way?"

"No, I was cursed"

"What? Why?"

"I was... a prick to be honest"


"Yeah, there was this one girl who visited our kingdom... I was really rude to her"

"She was a witch?"

"Yeah. So I was stupid to treat her like that. Now I realise I was stupid to think it was ok to treat anyone like that."

"How are you supposed to break the curse?"

"I'm meant to find someone who has true compassion in her heart and can see beyond looks. Someone completely opposite to me"

"You're not that bad... maybe back then, but not now"

"Yeah, I can see past looks now, because I realise how unfair that is"

"I hate people who judge based on looks"

"But you're..."

She looked at him. She let it go as he looked down.

"They always compare me to my sister and mother. I look nothing like them. After all, they're both blonde with blue eyes"

"We suffer from the Aryan relative"

She laughed at that. 

"The Aryan relative. Sounds truly horrible"

"Not truly. My brother was the best. In fact, when I was cursed, he was the only one who still came and played with me. He would bring me all the books he disliked and he'd bring me seeds and cuttings from the gardener. Everyone wandered when he'd become so fascinated by plants and a voracious reader. It was like they forgot about me"

"That's how I feel. As if I'm nothing. I'm never really remembered because I don't have magnificent powers. I'm just the bookworm with a green thumb"

"Well then, there's something we agree on"

"In a long list of many"

He smiled at that. 

"Would you like to see something?"

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