Wedding Crashers

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Adrian held my hand as he lightly pecked my cheek. 

"You ready for this?"

"Yeah - I think so"

"Same here"

He pulled out the sword at his side before grinning. 

"You know we're going to get Vanessa too right?"

"Yeah, she's ruined too many lives, just like the Queen and Amberley"

"I feel horrible, knowing I'm - "

"You're nothing like them. Who you are is not dictated by your family all the time"

"I know - I just hope that when me and Ella rule, people acknowledge that"

"They will, because you will be a wonderful ruler. After all, I love you" 


"I'm sorry, I - "

She didn't wait for him to justify himself, she just kissed him. It was their first kiss and she felt super happy after. 

"I love you too" she said. Because she did. She's realised it last night while dancing with him and had just been waiting to tell him. 

"You do?"

"Yes, I do" 

They smiled at each other as he pulled her close and hugged her tightly. 

"We'll get through this, I know we will"

"I know too" she said fiercely. Ella walked in and smiled at the two of them but it was a distant smile. 

Ravenna wondered if she was thinking about Christian again... 

"Ella, are you alright?"

"Sure! I'm just a little nervous is all"

"Well, we still have two hours to go over everything if that's what you're scared of"

"Yeah but - "

"Is everyone set for this?" Ruby asked in a voice that brooked no argument. 

"Yes!" everyone said as Ella gave a fake smile and Ravenna gripped Adrian's hand tighter. 

"Good. Because we start in two hours"

Arielle ran into the room panting before making harried signals. 

"She's saying the marriage has been moved up! And that it's a double wedding!"

"What?" Ruby asked in shock. 

Ella looked despairing after giving the message before Ari made a sign. 

"Girls, we have to go NOW" Ravenna said. 

The girls all got together as the wolves had already set off with Logan to meet the castle servants who were part of the cause. 

Ella bit her lip before she looked up with a determined expression on her face. 

"He will not marry that witch if I have anything to say about it!"

The girls rushed to the castle to find it covered in satin, gold, bows, anything expensive really. Ravenna turned up her nose at the unnecessary gaudiness. Honestly - if she was marrying Adrian, she knew it would be small and intimate, nothing like this. 

They walked calmly into the church and sat themselves down at the pews. 

"Arielle, what about you?"

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