kats p.o.v we are having another hogsmete trip and to be honest i cant wait to go because the futher away from sirius black i get the safe my life is but i feel really bad for harry who again has to stay here... i waved goodbye to harry and walked off with hermonie and ron. we decided to stick together on this one and go see the shericking shack. "do you want to get closer?" hermonie asked. i would honestly like to go inside but these wooses wont come. "what!?" ron exclamied taking it the wrong way. i muffled my laugh as hermonie explained. "what weasly came here with your girlfriend?" draco teased i rolled my eyes knowing that insult wouldnt work... you know cause f hermonie and seamus and then ron and susan seemed to have a thing going there. "and the third wheel" goyle said looking at me "ooh that really hurt me" i said in a sarcastic uninterested voice. hermonie and ron laughed and even draco and crabbe were muffling there laughs "you guys on a date?" crabbe joked. seriously? thats the best they got? suddenly something stared throwing snowballs at the three idiots and beating them up! i was actually having a really good time watching my cousin and his idiot sidekicks getting owned by this invisable force thingy! draco got dragged closer to the shack and e was sreeching like a little girl it was hilarious!!!! draco ran away with the other two completely embarrased. the invisable thing which i figured was harry started messing with ron and rons face was irreplaceable! hermonies hat plaits were being played with which was... hilarious! suddenly i felt my hair being pulled up around my face "harry!" i shout giggle. he pulled of his invisablitly cloack so we could see him and he was laughing his evil little head off! " ha.ha very funny" ron said fixing his outfit. harry grabbed my hand and we started walking down towards the town area. we saw some teachers and a lady...im guessing the owner of the three witches. "why would black come here though?" a man said "because of harry potter and kat valentine!" the women kind of yelled. the all shhhed her and they walked inside. harry put on his invisabilty coat and ran after them. i honestly thought he did have the right to know but ron and hermonie ran after him but werent aloud in the place because some of the bobble heads stopped them. i walked up to where they were sitting and sat in the space inbetween them "he has a right to know" i said to both of them who were looking at the floor "what about you?" ron asked "i already know.. my murdous cousin wants to kill the valentines for marrying into the blacks... and because im the most powerful witch in the world..that adds" i said nodding sadly at my messed up family. they nodded and we just waited for harry to come out. i saw foot prints but no person? harry! i tapped hermonie and ron and we ran after him. the tracks suddenly came to a stop and there was a slight sobbong sound coming from a rock. i walked slowly over to the rock and placed my hand slowly on where i thought the coat was. i felt the cloack and pulled it off to find a sobbing harry. "he killed them...he killed them" harry angrily chanted. i was really confused. i knew who lily was know it was harrys mum i knw how his parents died...its really sad.. and i know who killed them so was harry talking about him i guess i zoned out because the next thimg i heard was 'im gonna kill him' waoh!!!! shut the fridge! "he ratted them in to vldermort!... im gonna kill him!" harry said again. i took his hand and he squeezed mine slightly. when he finally calmed down...a little.. not to much.. a sqige.... i had my lessons with dumboldore and harry had one with lupin who to me looked very familiar! i knew him from somewhere!! i walked into dumbldores office ready for anything. "are you ready miss valentine?" dumboldore asked me. i nodded and waited for instrustions. "well by know you should know..that you can connect with the dead..." dumboldore said. WAIT! "what!?!" i exclaimed. "that is so awesome" i squealed. dumboldore laughed and sat down on the floor. he motioned for me to sit down with him. i sat down and took a deep breathe "i thought we were going to focus on my element powers first?" i said really confused "yes but i decided its important for you to be able to do this first..you might need to know something of the past from so people very important." dumboldore explained. i nodded and thought about it...i could connect with gramps... or lily! or maybe even alana if shes dead i dont know! "your thinking about alana?" dumblodre asked. "you know my cousin?" i asked. "yes she came to this school actually and then 3rd year came and she didnt return." dumboldore explained. alana had brown hair and brown eyes she was four years older than me but we were close she was my older wiser sister, then 1 year she just went missing! no call or anything! she really could be anywhere. "ok so what you need to do is just think of someone dead you want to speak to. you should see a bright light and that means your passing over to the spirit world... dont worry you wont be stuck there all you have to do is think of home" dumboldore said "so like dorthy in the wizard of oz?" i asked. "do i get some red sparkley shoes too?" i joked. "the what?" dumboldore asked. i shook my head and focused... who do i want to talk to..i think i want to talk to lily..suddenly a bright light enfulged me and i sqinted my eyes shut. i opened my eyes to see a field of pink flowers and a blue sky... but no person "oh great it didnt work..and now im probably stuck here forever" i stated sitting down "dont worry child i doubt your stuck here" a voice said. i turned around to find lily! "lily!" i exclaimed standing up. "kat" she said walking up to me "you know me?" i asked. she nodded and then it cliked "oh right your in heaven you see everything" i said slapping my head. lily laughed and we sat down. "i also know your dating my son" she said winking. i swear i was going a bit pink. "hey umm whats up with snape? he is being really creepy around me.." i said looking at lilys green eyes that were a perfect match to harrys..wow! snap out of it! god! "ah... serevus... we were really good friends.. i think he had a chrush on me.. i dont know but i fell in love with james and he did not like that..i think he sees me in you and plus you look exactly like me!"lily said laughing at the last part "i know right! exept the eyes! by the way you have the exact same eyes as harry! not a shade darker!" i exclaimed happily. she laughed and we just talked like normal people until i felt someone tug my real bodys arm. "i think dumboldores pulling my arm.." i said arkwardly. lily laughed and then looked at me seriously "your very special kat... and very powerful.. you have only discovered half of your powers but there are tons more..harry will be going through some tough times..and im glad your there to help him" lily said. she hugged me goodbye and i thought of home..i blinked and felt my eyes ajust to the new senery. dumboldore smiled "it worked?" i nodded and smiled brightly. i walked out of dumboldores office beaming i wasnt even looking where i was going and i walked straight into someone..just bam straight into them. i tripped on their feet and fell ontop of them. we both groaned in pain and i reconisged their voice instantly "kat?" the voice said. "harry?" i said getting off of him and helping him up. "what are you doing here?" harry asked "i had to see dumboldore" i said pointing behind me "sorry i walked into you" i said cringing my nose "thats ok love" harry said taking my hand. we walked back up to the comon room and went back to our dorms and off to bed. i woke up a bit early it was like 5:30!...AM! i showered and put my plain pink t-shirt, my oversized jumper that was dark pink and said imma cat on, my red skinny jeans and some black converses on. i decided to put my hair in a ponytail instead of my normal hair do. i just sat on my neatly made bed waiting for hermonie to wake up. it was almst 6:45am and i was getting really bored so i just decided to wake her up myself. "hermonieeeeeee!" i shout sing. she wakes up with a start. "kat! since when did you wake up before me!?" hermone exclaimed getting up and walking to the bathroom her hair was back to the normal hair that she has. she was really sad about that but no one seemed to care? hermonie came out in her greeny jeans and a t-shirt. "isnt it going to be cold out side?" i said looking at her t-shirt. "oh...good point." hermonie said putting on a cardigan. i stood and she smiled at my jumper "imma cat" hermonie reed laughing. we walked down stairs and waited for harry and ron. "hey im starving" i said getting tired of waiting "me too lets just go" hermonie said. i nodded and we walked down and ate breakfast. harry and ron came down and ate too. "you didnt wait?" ron said "i was starving! i was going to die!" i said dramatically. they laughed and started to eat. we walked out and ron and hermonie started fighting about something...again. "ronald has lost his rat" hermonie said coldly. "i did not! your cat ate him" ron complained. i just zoned out and shook my head. these two are never going stop...but i dont know i think they have feelings for each other? but then shes dating seamus and ron and susan are getting pretty cosy... wait ron wanted to tell us something? "ron didnt you want to tell us something?" asked "like 3 months ago?". ron nodded and then smiled. "you know how you introduced me to susan! well we arent dating but... i think she likes me!" ron squealed like a girl. i laughed and patted his back "good job" i said. we walked to go find hagrid because dracos daddy heard about buckbeak and now hes getting executed.. and im really sad about it cause i really like buckbeak... hagrid seemed pretty broken up about it too... the por guy tried. "its ok hagrid" i sniffled giving him a hug "let it out" i said calmly patting his back. he burst into a puddle of tears, i felt really bad! the poor guy! later that night i had a weird feeling that someone who shouldnt be out...was out. i looked in the mirrior. it would be really nice to be invisable!!! suddenly i started dissappering. i would scream but that would wake everyone up. im dissappering! im....im...invisable...WOW I CANT BELIEVE THAT WORKED! i was completely invisable! awesome! i walked down trying to be as quiet as possible. i was just wondering the halls in the dark because i know this is weird but.... i can see in the dark... seriously i can see like its day... its pretty awesome....i heard footsteps behind me and i turned to see harry walking around with a map of some sort. "kat?" harry wisper yelled "what i thought i was invisable!" i wisper yelled. harry looked up and around "you are invisable!... how!?" harry wisper yelled. i shrugged then remembered he couldnt see me "i just thought it would be really nice to be invisable and boom this happened" i wspered. harry nodded "thats pretty awesome" he wispered "i know" i wispered "i betta go see dumboldore about this" i wisper " bye" harry says as i walk by him. i walked into dumboldores office and pull out a chair. "hello?" dumboldore said. right i forgot... im invisable "oh sorry..err its me kat" i said looking at him. "what happened!?" he asked worriedly "weeeeeeelllllll i was just lying in bed and then i just thought... it would be really nice to be invisable and then suddenly...im invisable!" i explain. dumboldore laughs "ah so you have the gift of thought" he said standing up and walking around "the waaa?" i ask "the gift of thought... all you have to do is think or say something and it should come true" dumboldore said. "ok i would really like to be visable again!" i said and suddenly i started seeing my self. "that is soooooo cool!" i say jumping out of my seat into dumboldores arms. "keep your personalitie trates kat...dont change for anyone" dumboldore said looking me in the eye "course!...hey do you have any lemon drops?" i asked looking around knowing dumboldore always has lemon drops! dumboldore laughs "off to bed... and here" dumboldore says giving me some lemon drops. "yay!" i yip and head to bed ready for the next day....ish.

My Prince Charming ( a Harry Potter love story)
FanfictionKatrina Valentine is a normal girl until she finds out shes a witch and meets the famous Harry Potter. Will they become friends, or will they become more? (1-7 and maybe afterwards) (Being slowly edited. ) (This was my first book ever. ) (No longer...