kats p.o.v
"guys! look at this, you were right, snitches have flash memories but I didnt catch the first snitch with my hand I almost swallowed it" harry said chucking me the snitch as he sat down I showed hermonie and we looked at it "I open at the close" I read. "what do you suppose that means?" harry asked "no idea" hermonie answered "we found something as well" I said as hermonie passed me the book. harry sta on the other side and we all looked at it "at first we thought it was an eye...but now we dont think it is" I said showing harry the weird symbol "it isnt a rue and it isnt anyway in spellman silabre. " hermonie said "somebody inked it in, it isnt part of the book, somebody drew it" I added "lunas dad was wearing that at the wedding" harr said looking at both of us "why would someone draw in a childrens book?" hermonie asked "I was thinking, I want to go to godrics hollow, its were I was born, its were my parents died" harry said/ pleaded "thats exactly were he'll expect you to go because it means something to you" I said sadly getting up with hermonie "yer but it means something to him too" harry argued "I mean he almost died there isnt that exactly a kinda place he'll be likely to hide a horcrux." harry stated "its dangerous harry" hermonie " but even I had to admit at one point were going to have to go there, I think its possible something else may be hidden there" I said as we started walking "what?" harry asked we turned to face him "the sword" k/h said "if dumboldore wanted you to find it but didnt want it falling in the wrong hands" hermonie said "where best to hide it then the birth place of the founder of griffindor" I finished.
we avaporated to godrics hollow and I ckuld see the snow around us. I was getting a very creppy vibe from here "I stil think we should of used the potion" I said looking around cautiously. "no this iz were I was born, im not returning as someone else." harry stated "harry I think its christmas eve...listen." I said as harry held my hand. "do'y think they'd be in there? my mum and dad" harry said as we were looking into the grave yard. I dont know what it feels like too lose your parents..my dad left but he isnt dead...I think, I dont know I havent seen him in like a thousand years. "yer..they would" I said softly. "harry, kat" hermonie called I looked over to harry who was staring at a grave, he must of found his parents. I walked over and it was in fact their grave. hermonie and I bent down. she did a little ring of white flowers and I did a ring of red roses. when we stood up harry wiped his tears "merry christmas" he said I put my head on his shoulder "merry christmas harry" I said. hermonie was looking around and she looked back at us "harry theres someone watching us" hermonie said turning back to us. shet.."I think I know who that is" harry said as we looked at the strange person "I dont like this harry" hermonie said "hermonie, she knew dumboldore" harry answered. "she might have the sword" he added. as we followed the lady harry suddenly stopped and lucked at a house...his house. "this is were the died...this is where he murdered them" harry said sadly. we heard ruffels and when we looked over the lady was standing right there. I dont like this, not one bit theres just something about this lady....maybe...I could get into her mind. I tried getting in but it was blank...maybe shes blocked it off. she nodded..oh wait did something happen???! we walked into her home and she was trying to light a match but her hands were completely shaking I pointed my finger and the candle lit up. she turned and sorta smiled at me if you call it a smile. I smiled back and continued looking around "hey who's this guy?" I asked looking at the photo of this young old fashioned looking guy. harry looked like he wanted to know the same thing. the lady picked up the candle and started slwoly walking upstairs "harry" hermonie wisper yelled as harry started to follow. oh god. I looked at hermonie and she looked at me "I dont like this. I couldnt read her mind. not a thought. and someone as, no offense but weak as her, Im sure I couldve gotten through" I wispered to hermonie "I know right, I dont like it either, you tried to read her mind..." hermonie wispered back. "whats over there?" I wispered. we walked over and I slowly pushed the door and walked in I had a small fireball to light up the room. there was a photo album sitting on the dusty old table. I flipped through the pages slowly. there was a shake from the top floor..where harry was! I lifted up my hand to see blood on the ceiling. fudge! I dont know how but hermonie tripped and I tripped with her, twinstints! "come on we have to help harry!" I said getting up and helping her up. as I walked up the stairs a snake can at me! da heck! I zapped it and it fell down a little hole thingy. holy! we hid behind the bed and hermonie quickly grabbed harrys wand. I could literally hear everyones heart beating. I stood up and hermonie was about halfway up when the damn snake came up again I put my hand out and fire shot the snake but it wasnt dead it just hit the sidr of the house. I felt hermonie grab my hand and we avaporated out of the hell hole. holy...that was alot of exercise.

My Prince Charming ( a Harry Potter love story)
FanfictionKatrina Valentine is a normal girl until she finds out shes a witch and meets the famous Harry Potter. Will they become friends, or will they become more? (1-7 and maybe afterwards) (Being slowly edited. ) (This was my first book ever. ) (No longer...