kats p.o.v
I wonder bow hogwarts is going...probably not well with dumboldore retired and not as the headmaster anymore. I hope dumboldores ok. now I feel bad that I brought him back to life...cause when he dies hes going to have a painful death. everythings falling apart. we have a new minster who..I dont trust nor like from ahat I hear hes like umbridge. this is bad. people are being interigated and being questioned.as hermonie and ron were playing the piano harry and I were on the couch. harry was staring at the snich in his hand. " they have flash memories" I said as hermonie came and sat down "when scrimcher first gave it to you. we thought it might open at your touch." hermonie added "that maybe dumboldore might of hidden something in it" I finished we then heard a crashing noise and mumbles. we got up and races towards the noise. I saw two house elves attacking mundongalus. "harry potter! how long it has been" one of the house elves said. so this is dobby. I saw the small smile on harrys face "get off me!" mundangalus shouted. he waddled forward and fell on his face. I was going to laugh but then thought. better not. "as requested" creature said. Mun (sorry to lazy to type his full name) pulled out his wand but I was to quick "expelliarmus" I said and his wand flew into my hand. "what you playing at? sending house elves after me" Mun said. "dobby was only trying to help. dobby saw creature in diagon alley which dobby thought was curious and then dobby heard creature mention harry potters name" dobby said but was cut off by creature as hermonie and I were moving forward blocking Mun but dobby kept going "and then dobby saw creature talking with the theif-" but dobby was cut of by Mun "im no theif!" he protested. yer right. "you foul...git. im a..." he started but I blocked him out. his voice bores me... "your a theif and everyones knows it" ron said walking in "master weasley. so good to see you again" dobby said. Mun bumped into a chair and we conered him "I was frightened al right! can I help it mad eye feel of his broom?" Mun protesed "tell the truth" hermonie said "when you turned this place over dont deny it" harry said "you found a locket didnt you" I said staring into his eyes trying to read his emotions. all I found...was fear. no guilt no sadness nothing but fear and greedyiness "why is it valuable "hes lost it" hermonie said "or he didnt get enough money for it" ron added. "bliming give it away did I. there I was plumping my wear in diagon alley and some ministry aid comes up and asks to see my license. said shed lock me up..." Mun continued. mmmmmmmm this sounds all to much like umbridge..."who was it?" I asked "I dont-" he said but as he looked down his face filled with reconisagtion "here she is. this is her!" mun said picking up the newspaper and showing us. pointing to the lady in pink...ugh...we exchanged glances and knew what we had to do...we have to break into the minstry. the next day ron was looking for the people we needed to come out and we were waiting for the signal. ron nodded as she walked by I shot her with a spell and she fell into my arms. ron stood up from pretending to tie his shoes. hermonie picked some hairs of off the three knocked out people. im gonna go invisable and see if I can find anything useful. I wish I was invisable. I thought I turned to the mirrior and saw my self dissapear. good it still works. I wish I was visable. I saw myself turn back normal again. I turned to harry who was standing behind me "see if you can find anything useful on voldermort or anything on the death eaters. check the restricted department too." harry said looking in my eyes. I nodded and looked into his as well "be careful" he wispered as he hugged me tightly "I will" I said kissing him quickly. I turned invisable and continued on. I walked into the magic of mistery. how am I meant to do this without bumping into people...got it! I wish I was transparent. I started walking through people...does this mean I can walk through walls? I slowly put my hand through the wall and a smile appeared on my face. I walked through wall after wall of the department I was meant to search. nothing on voldermort. its like the decided to damn burn all his files or something...but maybe...maybe they have. if voldermort had infultrated the minitry then he wouldnt want files on how to destroy him floating around. I guess this proves my point. people these days cant be trusted...but thats not interally true. I looked around somemore but as I dug deeper information seemed to have vanished into air like voldermort wasnt even born at all. I dont get it...not even his acheivements as a child is here. wvery single file has vansihed. how long have I been here? I looked around then remembered this isnt the muggle world so they dont have a clock in every room. I ran through the walls until I got to the main hall. " wheres kat?" I heard someone I dont know say. then I saw him turn slowly back into harry "Im right here" I said turning visable and intransparent. harry grabbed my hand. and we started walking away when we realised ron wasnt following us we looked behind us "mary. go home. listen to me we have to get out of the countrie. take the children and go ill catch up" ron said who was still not looking like him self. mary kissed ron passionately. we looked closer to see him changing back into him self. as mary pulled away she looked at him shocked and backed up a bit in fear "errr" ron said "mary...whose this?" the real man ron was portraying said pushing through us. "long story. nice meeting you" ron said as a man seemed to spot harry "its harry. harry potter" the man said louder again. "come on" harry said quickly as we ran away from the guards chasing us.

My Prince Charming ( a Harry Potter love story)
FanfictionKatrina Valentine is a normal girl until she finds out shes a witch and meets the famous Harry Potter. Will they become friends, or will they become more? (1-7 and maybe afterwards) (Being slowly edited. ) (This was my first book ever. ) (No longer...